Chapter 2: Breaking Curfew

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 It's you guys who make it so much easier to write for me. But also because I am so excited to write this story for you guys.




Lou was gone for the second day in a row.

I wasn't going to bring it up to anyone, but Helda told me to come visit her in her tent.

Witches lived liked gypsies- nomadic, never living in one single spot for long. Helda planned out our location. Strategically, the location we lived in had to be in no-man's land. Where there were no grouchy Alpha wolves barking about their territory. Only then, rogues would be a problem. There was one time that we met up with a rogue. He seemed normal until he wanted to take us to his Alpha for trespassing. That situation was weird, and Helda got him to leave us.

This place deep inside the forest has been out longest yet. Three months.

Lou and Marie went out to explore, despite Helda's rules of not leaving late and going with another elder witch.

I stayed put while Skye didn't care one way or the other. Skye always managed to find a café somewhere where she could be on a computer and chat with her international friends. Sometimes I went with her because that was my only way of accessing the internet, and finding articles and watching funny YouTube videos of cats.

I never went to those late night adventures with Lou and Marie even though they insisted I live a little.

Thanks, but Skye's favorite BTS music videos is enough to live off of.

I stood outside of Helda's tent, unsure about if I should tell her or not.

Helda was planning on going to sleep- I could tell because of the way she was brushing her hair. She always had a set nightly routine.

"Come inside, Stella, you'll wait all day."

I entered her tent, sheepish. "Oh sorry."

"What troubles you?"

"Er, nothing. Just..." I trailed off. Lou wasn't going to get ratted out by me. "Are we going to look for Marie?"

Helda put down her hairbrush, sighing. "I am personally working on it. Today, I went to the nearby town to see if anyone had seen her. I'll search more tomorrow. Vampires love to show off their witches. I am in the hopes that some human has seen her."

"I could come with you!" I exclaimed.

"You will do no such thing, Stella." Helda glared at me. "All of this with Marie it just makes me think of my sister." Helda tapped her fingers on her desk. "You know about her being taken from vampires."

It was hard for her to speak about it. I sighed, understanding. The reason of her extreme paranoia and trying to keep us safe was because of how she saw her own sister her kidnapped by a vampire and never saw her sister again.

Anytime I asked about me, she told me that I couldn't handle it and the reason why I don't remember is my repressed trauma. Helda was very sensitive on these subject matters. She never got over her sister and when she saw me bloodied and looking like I escaped from hell all those years back, she was overprotective of me. Vampires, she told me. That was the only being that could have done it to me.

The Vampire Prince (Stryders #2) PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now