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A Few Years Later

The wind is relentless as I weave my hand through Conan's, our fingers staying warm while we look out on the pasture of horses, each one happily grazing in the late evening light. I am content, to the utmost degree, I have my horses, and Conan. It happened fast, as everything seems to around here. One second I was leaving home, high school diploma in hand and no motivation in life. The next I was fixing up an old barn and making my own place in this world, someone special at my side. Even Bea's life moved fast, as she lives in New York now, her wife an owner of a large business, while Bea runs her own small racing stable.

I don't get to see them very often, as I'm too busy running my own barn and competing on a black horse that no one seems to remember. It's old news now, because as always time moves on. As you get older life starts to smooth out around the edges, merely giving you a few curveballs to keep things interesting. No one knows who I am anymore either, Oleander Brook and Brad Brook something of the past. They say as you get older that you forgive more, but I have yet to talk to my father, or go back to Oxford after I moved in with Fred. Jasper, Jett and everyone else are another thing that I have left in my past. I don't want to think about them though as I squeeze the hand that I hold a little tighter. Looking over into his green eyes, my heart beating happily. Life is good enough for me now, and that's all that I can ask for.

A particular horse breaks away from the group, the light bouncing off of his black coat, eye set on me. I move away from Conan, stepping to the fence to greet him, a head reaching over for me, nose in my hair. He completes me more than anything, pulling my life together, in a complete, and whole circle. 


I found this in my drafts while I was going through all of my old stories trying to find some inspiration to write again. It's been a few years so I guess it's well overdue to be posted. 

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