Chapter Ten

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"So what's it like?" It's hours later and we are lounging on Bea's bed, some weird Indie music playing while she scrolls through pictures of various hot actors.

"What?" I stare up at her ceiling, taking in the drawings that reside there, each one twisting around the next, a mess but so unique and interesting that I can't stop looking. Despite what she claims Bea is a good artist, maybe not gallery worthy, but she can draw.

"Having a world renowned trainer as your Dad."


"You have to be lying. It should be amazing."

"It's not, trust me."

"What's so bad about it?"

I pause, trying to gather my thoughts into something that can be comprehended and not make Dad sound like a complete asshole, even though he is. I also don't want to sound like a spoiled child complaining about the cards that have been dealt to me; the cards that others would kill to have.

"I don't know."

"No you can't do that. Tell me, you're the one that brought it up!"

"I don't want to sound spoiled."

"Honey, everyone knows you're spoiled, I mean come on." She is laughing, her eyes sparkling as they look at me. Something about her words sting, if I am spoiled I don't want to know what not being spoiled is like. My mind flashes back to sleeping in Dagger's stall, or finding Mom, crumpled in the hay. I know I'm being sensitive but at the same time, I can't stop the avalanche of thoughts. I don't know whether or not to take her up on it, or to ignore the comment and change the subject.

"So what do you know about Conan?"

"Does someone have a crush?"


"He's weird. Doesn't really have any friends and for the most part just hangs out with the horses."

Her words don't surprise me, though I can't help but think of his number in my phone, waiting for someone to make the first move. I know that I could, just a simple message and we could start a conversation, but at the same time what if he doesn't want to talk to me. I mean it's not like there's anything between us, we don't even know each other.

"Speaking of Conan I saw something super weird at the barn party."


"Conan just disappeared and I never saw you."

"How is that weird?"

"You told me you were coming and I kept looking around for you. But then I saw Conan talking to this short black haired chick and suddenly he was gone."

There is a twinge of jealously, and then I realize that the 'short blacked haired chick' was me and my cheeks flush red. I have nothing to be embarrassed about but I can't look her in the eye.

"Don't tell me you two had a tryst!" She is smiling, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.


"You're guilty of something though. Are you two a thing? Behind my back? You know what nevermind I'll call him right now!" Her fingers are on her phone, calling him before I can do anything, setting it on speaker. She is grinning, and I can't do anything both mortified and enjoying it in a weird way. I've never had anyone act like this before, no friend to get all crazy about a possible crush.

"What do you want?" He sounds tired, his voice a low rumble through the phone, I can hear the sounds of horses in the background as well as a few quiet voices.

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