Chapter Six

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The diner is bright with life and the smell of greasy fries, as well as the sounds of raucous laughter coming from a group of people standing just inside the entrance. Bea steers us around them, leading me towards a booth near the back. The booth is old with holes patched over with black duct tape, it isn't pretty but it is homely. My stomach growls as we sit, a waitress throwing menus down in front of us without a word before hurrying off.

"Don't mind Vanessa, she's always really crabby." Bea says this with a smile, not bothering to look at the menu. I flip through mine, not entirely sure what I want, everything sounding either too greasy or too full of calories. However, I end up settling on a simple burger and fries, but even with the time that elapses the waitress has yet to come back, though I can see her strutting around taking other people's orders.

"It might be awhile." She is smiling, her fingers playing with the edge of her menu looking entirely at ease. My mind still reels from her story about Dagger, it is unbelieveable, though at the same time entirely plausible.

"So what's barrel racing like?" I make a grasp at something to talk about, to fill the awkward silence.

"Exhilarating. I don't really know how else to put, it's hard to describe. What's dressage like?"


She laughs at that, shaking her head slightly, the brown hair of her ponytail landing on her shoulder, a piece of hay sticking out of it.

"But really what is it like?"

"It's not like galloping around barrels that's for sure. But it's exhilarating in its own way, there is no other feeling like nailing a certain movement that may be difficult for you or your horse. Or even with completing a test that is your new personal best it's just a rush of controlled adrenaline."

"I could never do it." She shakes her head again, eyes watching the waitress; Vanessa who shoots us both a dirty look.

"What's with her."

"She's too good for us plebeians. It's rumored that she was a high end hunter rider before something happened with her family and her and her mother lost their claim to her father's money and they had to move here, to Briggsport."

"That doesn't really explain why she seems to hate you."

"Well that's because we are now ex-best friends."

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Maybe someday."

I take that as a good enough answer, scanning the diner my eyes land on a familiar hunched form at a table in the middle of the room. Everything's a blur of movement around him, except he barely moves, hunching over a pile of fries, whilst doing something on his phone. He looks lonely, and even though it is Jasper, I contemplate inviting him to sit with us, because Bea has put me in a friendly mood. But he stands not long after tossing some money onto the table and looking directly at me. Our eyes meet for a moment, his blue ones to my brown, and there is something raw hidden on his face. Then it is gone and he is turning, rushing out the door, and into the night.

"Please don't tell me you have a thing for him." Bea groans from the other side of the table, her eyes rolling back into her head.

"I despise both of the Oxford brothers."

"Good, honestly it's best to stay away from the whole crew. They're a weird family, old southern money moved more north. Actually the best rule of thumb to follow is avoid anyone who has made donations to BRA."

"Bra?" I snort, not sure what an undergarment has to do with anything.

"The one and only Briggsport Riding Academy. Every horse person worth their salt knows about about it."

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