Family squabbles

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Stepping into the room, a sense of familiarity washed over him. From the way the table was positioned opposite of the door, the layout of pens and paperwork on the table, to the familiar paintings surrounding him.

Taking everything in, Zephyr's eyes landed on a tall figure in a dark green robe, standing still near a bookshelf, with his back to the boy. A little voice was telling him that the man was waiting for him to show some civility, to fall before this strong and commanding presence. Unfortunately, Zephyr was kept in the dark in the matter of whom he was meeting so he had no idea how to address him.

"Your gr-grace." The boy stuttered out, bowing his head both in shame and respect.
"Grandmaster." He quickly added thanks to the recollection of a previous conversation with Ryan.

The man moved closer, but Zephyr refused to look up in fear of the unknown. He had to tread the water carefully if he wished to stay unharmed. The figure made its way forward until he was right in front of the boy. A light chuckle escaped the Grandmaster's lips at the sight of this trembling child.

Seeing he provoked no answer, he gently lifted the boy's chin upwards to face him. Terrified, Zephyr shut his eyes, but a gentle stroke on the cheek made his guard falter. He opened his eyes, and that was the moment when everything fell in its place. The reason why everything looked so familiar...

"Grandpa!" The boy squealed as he rushed in for a hug. So many different emotions were flowing through him, but the most important was the joy of seeing his family after such a long time.

"Zephyr, my boy. I've missed you so much." The now familiar figure spoke while reciprocating the hug.

"What it the meaning of all this?" Zephyr question came out muffled because his face was still buried in the green silk. The warm feeling of a touch still lingered on his cheek as he was pushed away slightly.

"What do you mean boy?" Ra's asked, though he knew what the boy was getting at. Still, he wanted Zephyr to call him out on it, to see his observation skills in use.

"Who are all these people, what is this place, what is the barrier, what's up with the name 'Grandmaster'" The ghost was hurling out question after question, making the man smile.

"Everything in order, what do you want to know the most?"

"What I want to know the most..." Zephyr pauses for a moment. "I've always known you as grandpa, recently also as the Grandmaster. Why have you never shared your real name with me, am I still not trustworthy?" All the previous joy got replaced by sadness and hurt.

Ra's' expression fell at the sight of his grandson, it was never about trust, it was about safety. "I think it's only fair for you to know my name..."

"I know your name."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Ra's al Ghul." The boy spoke plainly, with a hint of anger in his voice. "But it is just a name, why couldn't you tell me?"

"It was never just a name, this one holds great amount of power and fear. A name that people have been trying to erase for centuries." The man stopped for a moment, giving his grandson time to take everything in. "If you knew my name, your name, others would eventually know it too." He paused and looked Zephyr dead in the eye.

"And that could prove to be fatal." The boy's eyes widened at the newly shared information. Why was grandpa's name to despised?

"But why would people want to kill you, kill me..."

"Because of what we do, we want to cleanse the world. Most of the people don't agree with our methods..."

"But it's the only way!" Zephyr butted it, earning a light chuckle from the man.

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