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There was no way Zephyr could move Phantom all by himself. It seemed impossible for a ghost entity to weight so much, being made of energy and all. Only now the boy realized his huge mistake of knocking the ghost out. The park turned from quiet and deserted environment to one hostile and threatening. Shadows around tree trunks hid endless dangers... The worst thing was that people could come by at any moment, giving away the position of two wanted persons to the government and their forces.

Young and scared eyes moved from one place to another, trying to spot any danger before it could lunge at them. Zephyr's heart rate elevated, the rush of blood filling his ears with a buzz. Small black dots filled his vision. His head was spinning and to add to it, Zephyr's knees gave out under his own weight. The small figure tumbled to the ground, wincing in pain when the scorched flesh on his side tore. In between the webs of cracked skin, green flesh was peaking out a little.

"Why can't I help you?" Zephyr hissed, turning his attention to the ghost, trying to figure out the situation. He couldn't fly him from here, he couldn't drag him on the ground, and most certainly he couldn't pick him up. The boy was running out of options, but was there anything else he could do to get them out of there?

Laughter found its way into Zephyr's ears, startling him. Yes, he expected people to show up as some point, but hoped only after he came up with a plan to get out of there.

By every passing second, the chuckles got closer and closer. There was no escape, no place to hide the enormous body of a wanted ghost...

First, a foot appeared from behind a set of trees, soon followed by a leg and then the whole body. The person walking their way was alone, something Zephyr could work with. He seized him from top to bottom, trying to evaluate his body strength and defense. Man in his early twenties, well dressed, maybe slightly overweight with no possible weapon at hand.

The small ghost crouched down, ready to pounce at the possible attacker. "There you are!" The businessman called out with delight. His tone confused the boy. Why would he be so happy to see him, they've never met. With a puzzled look, Zephyr watched the man get closer.

"I thought I'd never hear from you again!" He spoke again to no one in particular. Only then did the ghost notice the small device attached to the man's ear, probably a shrunk telephone. Zephyr was lying so low and the man was so deep in his conversation that he passed the duo without noticing them.

Short silence followed before another set of footsteps could be heard. But these were different. The rhythmical dull clapping... those were horses. A mounted patrol! This time, there was no chance the two ghosts would go unnoticed.

Zephyr abruptly stood up, wincing in pain when his side stretched. With a small limp, he got to Phantom's side and carefully positioned him so he could drag him. It was going to be slow and painful process, but what else was there to do?

One step, two, three, four, the fifth one never came. Gently clutching his side, Zephyr sank to his knees. He listened helplessly as the horses neared them. There was silence, except the sound of distant busy city life, though it was broken by two audible gasps.

"This is mounted unit 5, we have eyes on Phantom accompanied by a smaller version of him?" The taller officer spoke into his walkie-talkie while simultaneously drawing a gun from his holster.

"No, one of the suspects seems to be unconscious, the other is badly hurt."

"Yes, the big one."

Insignificantly evil (DP and Batman crossover)Where stories live. Discover now