Can ghosts die?

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"No no no no no!" Zephyr chanted quietly under his breath. Things weren't supposed to go this way. The armored van, the squad, and when he looked down, power dampening handcuffs hugged his wrists. Phantom was situated right in front him, his head limp. It must have been a hell of a punch if he hasn't woken up yet. A little ashamed, Zephyr nibbled at his scab covered right side with his sharp nails.

"Halt your activity! Hands where I can see them, eyes in front!" With confusion written across his face, the small ghost looked around, searching for the source of the command. No one was with them...

But there was a camera. He should have anticipated that. Who would put a man with dangerous and powerful ghost in a tiny van? No one. Not wanting to cause any more trouble for himself, Zephyr laid his hands in his lap again, locking his eyes in front. Soon, he got bored again of the plain metallic walls. Searching for a distraction, his eyes landed on the bigger ghost in front of him. Even in his sleep, Phantom looked terrifying. With his muscles, extreme height and flaming hair, everything was streaming to get away from him as fast as possible.

But those repulsing features meant nothing to Zephyr. He looked exactly the same, maybe minus the bulging muscles and height, but it still counted. Now, seeing Phantom in front of him, he finally found the reason why everyone hated him so much back at home. They were afraid of him, fear leading to anger and hate. Zephyr's pointed ears fell back in sadness. The realization struck him hard. Even when he grows up, there will be no one by his side, no true friend, just people cowering in fear.

Quiet grunts brought the boy back to reality. The ghost was waking up, and he wasn't looking happy. His eyebrows scrunched in an angered expression and lips pressed tightly together. It seemed it didn't take long for Phantom to figure out his location, he's been here quite some times over the past eight years.

"It's all your fault." The ghost growled with a hint of anger. If this child just left him alone, none of this would have ever happened.


"Shut up!"

"You would have been caught anyway" Zephyr mumbled quietly, casting his eyes away from the ghost. There was just no way he could get out of the park before those police officers came, plus the arrest would have been much more violent.

"There is no way I would get myself caught." Phantom growled and leaned in closer for intimidation. "Do you understand?"

The boy nodded his head slowly. Phantom's ears flickered back in irritation at the thought of actually being captured. With every time he got caught, it was harder and harder to escape. It was just a question of time before he would never get out.

"How do we get out." Zephyr asked carefully, not to agitate the ghost more. It seemed to work because Phantom's face turned into one of thinking before a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Give me your hands." Zephyr looked down at his hands and after a while, he slowly outstretched them. On the other side of the van, the ghost took the boy's hands with his uninjured arm and wrapped his fingers around one of his tiny wrists. The muscles in his arm flexed, and the alloy bent.

"Stop! Return to your positions!" The speaker yelled out, but since the man wasn't there, there was nothing he could do to stop them.

"Try now." Phantom spoke despite the clear order to stop. A little uncertain, Zephyr tugged at the handcuff and surprisingly his hand slipped through. When the alloy bent, it created enough space on the sides for the boy's tiny wrist to slip out. Phantom repeated this procedure with the other half and right after that, Zephyr was free. Or as much as a man can be free in an armored vehicle.

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