Leaving Jakku

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I can't stop staring at Master Burgess's head lying on the floor. His pudgy lips are still drawn back into a snarl and his greasy silver hair is unkept. My entire body is shaking and I lean against the wall for support.

"How did you do that?" I hear true confusion in the bounty hunter's voice.

"I- I don't know." I stammer. But deep down, I do know. There's always been this strange feeling snaking inside of me. I used that feeling, that power, whatever it was.

The bounty hunter grunts. "We can split the bounty."

Is he dumb? It is against the law for a slave to possess money. "I can't have money."

"Why? You're free now."

I'm convinced he's making fun of me. As if I could ever be free. "You killed my previous Master, Master Burgess. That makes you my new Master, in accordance with the law."

"Fuck. I free you." He grumbles out each word as if he doesn't want to waste his breath talking.

"Are you dumb?" I feel my anger flash inside my chest. "A slave can only obtain freedom if they marry a Free Person." Everyone knows this.

I can feel the bounty hunter's frown even though his face is hidden. He doesn't like this. He could easily swing his sword again and kill me.

"What you did...that could be useful. What else are you capable of?"

My heart flutters in my chest. "I can cook and clean sir. And I'm really good at finding parts and fixing ships."

"Hmmm." He bends down and picks up Master Burgess's head. Blood splatters on the floor that I cleaned yesterday. "You may come with me. But you must prove to be useful. Otherwise, I know a few good black markets."

My stomach twists around and my heart beats wildly. "Yes sir! Or umm Master!" I realize I don't know his name. "I'm Aster. What shall I address you, Master?"

"I'm a Mandalorian. My name isn't for you to know. You can call me Master or Sir." He turns and marches down the hallway, leaving Master Burgess's body lying crumpled on the floor. "Are you coming or not? You seemed like an intelligent enough slave, but perhaps I was wrong."

My cheeks burn at his insult as I obediently follow my new Master.

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