Prison Break

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I'm feeling masculine lads. You know what that means😌 another chapter in the Mandalorian's POV.

"So, the package is being moved on a fortified transport ship." Mayfield presses a button, lighting up a hologram of the ship we're about to enter. "Now, we got a limited window to board, find our friend, get him out of there before they make their jump."

I stare at the layout of the ship. All of a sudden, it hits me.

"That's a New Republic prison ship. Your man wasn't taken by a rival syndicate. He was arrested." I've been too busy worrying about Aster to notice how fishy this plan is. I never should have trusted Ran. But now it's too late. His droid, Zero, has already entered my ship. And I need the credits. Badly.

"So what?" Mayfield leans closer to me, his eyes twinkling with a challenge.

"A job is a job," grunts Ran.

"That's a max security transport and I'm not looking for that kinda heat," I argue.

"Well, neither are we. So just don't mess up." Easy for Ran to say. He won't be accompanying us.

"The good news for you is the ship is manned by droids. Still hate the machines, Mando?" Xi'an flashes me an impish smile.

"Despite the recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess. The power lines are leaking, the navigation is intermittent, and the hyperdrive is only operating at 67.3% efficiency." Zero shuffles toward us. "We have much better ships. Why are we using this one?"

Good question, even if it did come from a droid.

"Cuz the Razor Crest is off the old Imperial and the New Republic grid. It's a ghost." Ran answers, smiling deviously to himself.

"Yeah, and we need a ship that can get close enough to jam New Republic code," Mayfield adds. "So, when we drop out of hyperspace here, if we immediately bank into this kinda attitude, we should be right in their blind spot, which will give us just enough time for your ship to scramble our signal."

"That's not possible. Even for the Crest." I don't like this. Not one bit.

"That's why he's flying'." Ran jerks his head toward the droid.

Mayfield chuckles. Of course. He's known this all along, just like every other important detail of this plan.

"Mando, I know you're a pretty good pilot, but we need you on the trigger, not on the wheel." Ran gives my arm an awkward pat.

"Don't worry Mandalorian. My response time is quicker than organics. And I'm smarter, too." Zero taps his metal head. I have the overwhelming urge to bash it in and say fuck this place.

"Forgive the programming. He's a little rough around the edges," Ran says sympathetically. "But he is the best."

"How can you trust it?" I'd rather die than leave Aster in the hands of a droid. But I suppose that's what I'm doing now.

"You know me, Mando. I don't trust anybody."

I turn away. I need to focus. Forget Aster. All that matters now is the mission. I watch Ran get up and leave my ship.

"Just like the good old days, huh Mando?" Ran calls over his shoulder, chuckling. He doesn't know how much has changed. The door closes behind him, sealing my fate.

The ride is tense. I keep pacing. I wonder what Aster thinks. Is she scared? Then I curse myself for thinking about her. At least I'm not the only one doing it. Burg also seems to be a pacer. Unless he's just mocking me.

"Will you sit down?" Xi'an scoffs, glancing up at us.

Burg slams his hands against the roof, filling the room with noise. Xi'an hisses. Burg just chuckles while Mayfield rolls his eyes.

I leave the crew room and enter the cockpit. It seems empty without the Child and Aster.

"Calculations complete. Jumping to hyperspace now. Feel free to join the others. I will handle it from here."

The dismissal is clear but I don't like taking orders from droids. Still, I walk back down toward the others. I worry about what they might get into.

Burg has somehow opened my weapons closet. He's laughing as I jump down. I immediately press a button on my wrist, slamming the doors in his face. He shoves me, growling menacingly.

"Hey, hey, hey. Ok. Ok I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space, too. So let's just do this job." Mayfield defuses Burg, but the tension is still thick in the air. "We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore."

"Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian," Burg growls.

"Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy." The challenge is clear in Mayfield's voice. "So they say."

"Then why are they all dead?" Everyone bursts into laughter.

"Well, you flew with him Xi'an. Is he as good as they say?" Mayfield asks, as if I'm not right there.

"Ask him about the job on Alzoc 3." Xi'an flashes me a feline smirk.

"I did what I had to." I don't like how close we are to the closet where Aster and the Child are hiding. I wonder if they can hear all of this.

"Oh, but you liked it. See, I know who you really are." Xi'an's voice is low and sultry. Once upon a time, I would have done anything to hear her speak like that. Now it annoys me.

"He never takes off the helmet?" Mayfield asks, appraising me.

"This is the Way," Xi'an says in a sarcastic, hushed tone.

"I wonder what you look like under there. Maybe he's a Gungan. Is that why yousa don't wanna show your face?"

Burg and Xi'an burst into laughter. I do my best to shrug it off.

"You ever seen his face?" Mayfield directs the question at Xi'an. She gasps dramatically.

"A lady never tells."

"Aw, come on Mando. We all gotta trust each other here." Mayfield persists. "You gotta show us something. Come on, just lift the helmet up. Come on. Let us all see your eyes."

"I'll do it." Burg gets up and reaches toward me, but I immediately smack him away. I shove Burg forward, causing him to hit the wall, which presses a button, opening the closet with Aster and the Child.

The Child coos happily as he sees me. Aster looks scared and angry.

"Whoa! Who are they?" Mayfield gets up now, walking toward them. "Wait a minute , did you two make that?" Mayfield points at me and Xi'an.

I freeze. For a fraction of a heartbeat , hurt flashes over Aster's face. She covers it up quickly.

"Who are we? Who are you?" She retorts.

"We're the Mandalorian's coworkers." Mayfield flashes her a cocky smile. "I didn't know you were allowed to keep pretty girls around Mando."

"My Master hired the Mandalorian to take me and the Child across the galaxy unnoticed. I'm sure my Master will be thrilled about this little road trip." Her voice is cold and bossy. For a moment, Aster is so convincing I believe it myself.

"This job was on the way. Besides, if your Master wanted it done faster, he could have paid me upfront."

"Maybe he'll dock your pay then."

"Aren't you sassy for a slave?" I force myself to be just as cold as she sounds. Thankfully, I'm saved by the droid.

"Dropping out of hyperspace now." Zero calls out, breaking up the conversation in the room.

"I'll discuss this with your Master. In the mean time, sit tight while I get myself some gas money."

I jab the button and close Aster and the Child in the closet. I walk away as casually as I can muster. The others follow me. I need to survive this. Not for myself, or for the money, but for them.

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