Chapter 14

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Biana and Linh had whispered a quick "good luck" before leaping away, smiles etched on their faces.

Sophie had a quip ready on the edge of her tongue but couldn't bring herself to say it.

Keefe's face was slightly nervous but also confident when Sophie descended the stairs. He was clutching flowers in one hand, and strangely a piece of Swizzlespice in the other.

He looked so cute and dashing in a tailored, dark blue jerkin and black pants. He wasn't too dressed up but looked good for a date. A first date.

He had stopped and stared slightly at Sophie before blushing and glancing down at the floor. She had been just as awkward coming to give him a peck on the lips and a hug.

Edaline, who had been lingering had quickly conjured up a vase and placed the bouquet of Arbutus', Pink Camelia's and Calla Lilies into it. 

(A/N all of these flower actually have a meaning that I think Keefe was feeling when thinking of Sophie. The Arbutus' are symbolic of One and only love, Pink Camelia's mean longing for you and Calla Lilies are Beauty. Forgive me because this is sort of cringey but really, really cute. At least I think so)

Grady had come down to send them off. Which actually meant telling Keefe that if anything happened to Sophie he would be held responsible.

He also told Keefe that Sophie would be back at no later than 12:00pm. While Grady was strict he had also warmed up to Keefe so wasn't as harsh as before. He had accepted that they were together and that ultimately if he made Sophie happy he could stay.

Edaline had stared at them with her "aren't they adorable" look.

Sophie had hurriedly directed them out of the house, giving her parents a quick goodbye.

As soon as they were out of their sight, in the pastures, Keefe leaned down and pressed his lips to Sophie's. They stayed like that for a while and Sophie soaked him up. He smelt like hair gel and ink, she couldn't get enough of that smell. His hands were soft and gentle on her cheek and tangled in her hair.

Sophie forced herself to pull away and looked up at Keefe her heart still racing.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" she asked cheekily.

He kissed her again before responding.

"You'll just have to wait and see"

He guided her over to one of the pastures and carefully placed his palms over her brown eyes. Slowly he lifted his hands. Sophie waited for a few seconds before hearing a soft snort and then-


Sophie let out a soft giggle before transmitting back.

"Do you know where we are going?"


Sophie sighed knowing that there was no way she would be able to weasel it out of Silveny either.

Keefe guided her over to the Alicorn and gently lifted her onto her back. Sophie surprised, gasped. Keefe whispered something in Silveny's ear before clibing on himself.

"Are you ready?" he whispered in Sophie's ear, it made her shiver.

"Let's go"


Hey Guys, I'm back and it's the date. Yayyyyyyyyyy. I wanted to end it here partly because i wanted to upload it today and partly because of suspense. I know the flower thing is a bit cringey but i thought it was super cute.

I hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for all the reads and likes. Should upload pretty soon.

Bye for now, 


P.S. I am awful at writing fluff because, as a single pringle, I've had very little experience. (That sounds sad as i write it. Lol) i still hope you enjoy there cute couple moments!!!

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