Chapter 12

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"Of course, Lord Reuwen"

Keefe gulped and  quickly squeezed Sophie's hand before following Grady up too a very neat and tidy study.

Keefe sat down on a chair opposite to Grady's.

The tension in the air was apparent and Grady ran his hand through his hair before looking at Keefe.

"I am not going to force you two to break-up" he said finally.

Keefe grinned widely.

"Although I don't fully approve of Sophie having a boyfriend (I don't think I ever will), I don't want too push her away. You make her happy, Keefe. Even I can see that and I don't want to ruin that. She deserves that." 

He paused. 

"But I want you to understand that if you hurt her, take advantage of her in anyway or do anything to compromise her happiness, you will not like the consequences"

Keefe processed this. 

"Thank you Lord Reuwen, I assure you I will never do anything to hurt her. I promise, with all my heart"

Keefe reached out his hand  and Grady took it and shook.

"You won't regret it"

Sophie was pacing when Keefe came down. He could see a hand reach up to her eye and quickly grabbed it.

"It's ok" he whispered in her ear.

She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face her father.

"Dad what did you do?" she asked sternly.

Grady chuckled.

"All I did was warn Keefe that if he hurt you he wouldn't enjoy the consequences"

"Dad" she whined. "You're so over protective"

"Relax Sophie at least I gave him my blessing" he replied.

"You did" Sophie asked, surprised.

"If I hadn't he wouldn't be holding your hand right now" he joked.

Sophie groaned and dragged Keefe towards the stairs.

"We will be in my room" she called. 

"With the door open three inches" Grady warned. "Three inches

Sophie ignored him and flopped on her bed. Keefe came in after her and left the door open exactly three inches. He didn't want to be on Grady's bad side already.

"He didn't scare you away?" Sophie asked hesitantly.

"Sophie" he said taking her hand and sitting next to her. "Nothing, nothing, could scare me away"

She smiled bashfully and ducked her head.

He tilted her head back up with the tip of his finger.

"Sophie" he said again. "I wouldn't leave you for anything, you mean the world to me"

He kissed her then. Short and sweet so she was left wanting more.

She leaned in again but Keefe stopped her.

"Your parents are downstairs" he said gently.

She groaned and buried her head in her pillow. Keefe tried not to laugh at her muffled screams.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sophie" he murmured in her ear.

He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek then stood up and straightened his clothes. He smiled at her looking so angelic. She's so beautiful.

"Tomorrow's Sunday, we don't have school till Monday" she said and Keefe smiled at the adorably confused look on her face.

"I'll see you tomorrow because I am taking you on a date"


Heyo everyone. 

Sorry this chapter is a bit late I think I'm going to try on one update a week from now on. I hope you enjoyed this small bit of Sokeefe fluff. I'm thinking that I'm going to end this in a few chapter, I'm not sure whether I'm going to do a time skip or not yet.

Ohhh and did anyone notice the Stranger Things reference. The door open three inches! Hahahahaha. I love Hopper!

Next chapter will probably be the Biana makeover that I'm sure you were all expecting (was i right?) but the one after that will definitely be their date. Squeeeee. I'm excited just thinking about it!!!!!

Thanks again for all the reads, votes and comments they mean the world.


P.S thanks to @Saramd126 an@ClaireMeisel who have voted for everyone of my chapters!!!!!!! Thank you. :)

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