Chapter 1

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Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for clicking on this. This is my first fanfic and i really love KOTLC so i thought i should start out with this. Please don't leave any negative comments they are not appreciated but grammar and spelling issues and constructive criticism are welcome. (Also if i mess up any facts please tell me) I'm fairly new to Wattpad so my writing probably isn't top notch but i try. Anyway enough with this boring authors note; READ!

P.S I will probably try to upload a new part every week but if i don't it will come eventually. Now you can read.........

----------Third person POV--------

Sophie slammed her locker shut and sighed. Today had been hardcore, Bronte wasn't as he had been in the past but her inflicting sessions still took a toll. Stina had been a pain in her ass all day and Sophie was one insult away from dropping her with her inflicting. 

Dragging herself to the cafeteria Sophie plopped down at her friends table and buried her head in her hands. Fitz was sitting on her left and Keefe on her right. 

"Remind me again of why I can't kill Stina and drop inflicting sessions" Sophie moaned to her friends.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dex and Biana trying to hold in giggles.

"It's not funny" she scolded. "Bronte insisted on me happy inflicting on him again and things got....." 

Sophie shuddered. 

The Councillor had convinced Sophie that she should try to inflict positive emotions on him again. Sophie wasn't convinced that after the disastrous consequences last time, this time would be any better. But in the end she agreed and Bronte ended up on the floor giggling again. It wasn't a sight that Sophie EVER wanted to see again and was glad when the bell had rung for her next class.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up.....a sleepover" Biana squealed.

Everyone groaned. Biana's sleepovers were basically just an excuse for her to drag Linh and Sophie into makeovers and to convince them all to play Truth or Dare or Seven Minutes in heaven. 

"Will your parents be okay with it" Linh asked. 

"Sure they will, in fact I already asked them this morning and they were super excited" Biana replied.

Sophie didn't bother refusing she knew that no matter what she would be staying at the Vacker's house tonight. Grady and Edaline wouldn't mind; the Vackers were basically like her second family.

Everyone agreed to avoid endless pestering from Biana and she squealed again and then promptly started to organise the entire night from start to finish.

-----Later at Havenfield-----

Sophie packed her pyjamas into an overnight bag as she pondered what type of makeup related torture Biana was going to bestow on her later that night. 

"Mum, Dad, is it okay if I go to Everglen tonight, Biana planned a sleepover" Sophie called from her doorway.

She heard Grady mumble what sounded like "Is That Boy going to be there" before Edaline shushed him.

"Of course you can go honey, do you need help packing?" Edaline called.

"No I'm alright, Thanks"

Sophie finished packing, carefully placing Ella in her bag before checking she had what she needed. She didn't bother bringing that much as she knew that Biana would be dressing her up like a doll. 

She also knew that Biana would be interrogating her over her crush on Fitz. Sophie had liked the teal eyed elf since he brought her to the Lost Cities but lately Sophie wasn't sure how she felt about him. Her feelings were a huge mess and with the Neverseen still out there Sophie wasn't sure if she was ready to untangle the knot of her emotions.

Sophie walked out of her room and to the leap master, her bodyguard entourage trailing behind. 

"Everglen" she shouted and let the light whisk her away.

Copyright: All characters belong to Shannon Messenger

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