Brynnlee's Paper

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Brynnlee's POV

"Alright kids! The last assignment for the year is to write out someone's life story. It could be a family member, a famous person, a friend, anyone you want. It's due Friday." Ms. Green says. Everyone starts talking about who their person is, but already know mine.

"Hey Brynn! Who are you doing?" Camden asks. I smile and look at the bracelet that matches my mother's.

"The only person I know who is strong enough to walk through Hell and back with a smile." I reply. She nods and turns back in her desk.

Y/n Polibio.

She was a hard working woman who did anything and everything for her children and family. My mother was known for her emotional strength and her perseverance. She was born in 2003 to Charise and Kenneth l/n. Her parents got divorced when she was in the fifth grade and her mother moved to New Jersey. After a few years of visiting her mother for holidays and over the summer, her father cut all ties with Charise. Her father was a drunk and abused her any chance he got. Her sophmore year of high school, she was sexually assaulted by her boyfriend of two years in April. Her father kicked her out and she was forced to live out of her car and go to school online. When she moved to New Jersey her senior year, she met eight fantastic friends that changed her life forever. They protected her and cared for her no matter what, even after they found out that I wasn't her sister, but that I was her daughter. When my sperm donor broke her arm, my father took her to the hospital. The day after her eighteenth birthday, she was kidnapped by five boys. Ondreaz Lopez, the boy who told her friends where she was being kept, died that day along with one other boy. The other three were arrested, two of which were injured. A month after that, she and my father broke up because of a fight, causing her to get together with Mariano Castano. Mariano abused her verbally and physically. Thanksgiving 2021, my father found the bruises on my body while changing my clothes and beat Mariano up and told him to never come near us again. Then, my parents got back together. December 26th 2021, my mother gets pregnant. January 15 2022, my mother tells my father about her pregnancy. July 4th 2022, my parents get engaged. September 17th 2022, my mother gives birth to Leo Jay Polibio. February 24th 2023, my mother gets shot on her wedding day and we are told she has died. Then, my sperm donor kidnaps her and tortures her until he is caught. Three years later on Leo's birthday, we are told my mother is alive and we rush to go see her. She and my father get married in February for real afterwards. She makes Leo's fourth birthday as special as she can because she missed the first three and my father finds out about the abuse from when she was a child. In October, she and my father have a date night to talk about why she has been distant recently, and they conceive my last two siblings, Nora and Declan who are then born on July 20th. On December 21st 2032, my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She fought for six months before she lost her battle. Since then, my father has found a new wife that makes him and us happy and she reminds me a lot of my mother. She will never replace my mother completely, but she is a great mom and I love her a lot. It sucks, knowing that my mom won't get to be at my graduation or my wedding, but I know she'll be watching. This is my mother's life story and I can't wait for her to watch mine play out.

The End

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