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"Tony is the one who got me pregnant. He forced me! I didn't want it to happen and I begged his best friends to help, but they didn't do anything. They just watched and then acted like they cared afterwards and that's why I'm so scared of him." I blurt. The boys stand there shocked for a sec, before Mattia wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my neck.

"Not gonna lie, kinda glad I punched the bitch." Ale says. We all laugh and all of the boys hug me.

"Who is this 'Tony' guy?" Josh asks.

"He's my ex-boyfriend from back in Los Angeles. He's a toxic, horny, manipulative jerk. Luckily enough for me, Brynnlee looks nothing like him." I reply. They all laugh and let go of me.

"We should head home. We'll see you at school tomorrow alright?" Mattia says. I nod, hugging the boys goodbye.

"Well, we'll be staying over and hanging out in Ant's room if you need us." Jaden says. I nod and hug them.

"Y/n! We're back!" Mom yells. I run upstairs and grab Brynnlee.

"I'm going to take her to get food real quick. I'll be back later to look at the things you bought her." I say. Mom nods and I go outside and put Brynn in the car.

"What do you want to eat Brynnlee baby?" I ask.

"I want sgetti!" She says. I laugh a little and nod my head.

"Spaghetti it is." I reply. She claps and I start the car. I soon get a call from Mattia.

"Hello?" ~Y

"Hey, I was checking snap maps and saw you weren't at home. What are you doing?" ~M

"Why? Is big boy Mattia worried about me?" ~Y

"Can you just answer the question, dumby?" ~M

"I'm taking Brynnlee to Olive Garden. I pre-ordered some spaghetti for us to share. Why?" ~Y

"We'll meet you there!" ~M

"Mattia, you deadass just left my fucking house. Why the hell are you meeting me at Olive Garden?" ~Y

"We miss you y/n!" ~K

"I didn't tell you to leave my house! You left of your own free will!" ~Y

"We see you." ~M

"Oh my lord! You guys are deadass bipolar as shit." ~Y

Mattia hangs up and I get out of the car. Mattia runs to me and picks me up, twirling me around.

"Mattia! Put me down!" I yell. He puts me down and grabs my face, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"I forgot to do that when we left and I felt so bad." He says. I stand there shocked, panting as I stare at him.

"I'm going to get our food." I say, grabbing Brynnlee. Mattia walks in with me and stands with me as I talk to the lady.

"Is this your daughter?" An old woman asks. I turn to her and smile.

"Yes ma'am." I reply. She smiles.

"I'm glad that even at such a young age, you are capable of caring for your child on your own. She seems very happy. You're doing a great job." She says. I stare at her with tears in my eyes.

"Th-thank you so much. You don't realize how much that means to me." I reply. She smiles and tickles Brynnlee.

"I had my daughter when I was in highschool as well and I didn't think I was doing a great job at all. When a woman finally told me I was doing a great job, it felt incredible." She says. I smile and she walks off.

"Here's your food miss." The cashier says. I nod and Mattia grabs it.

"Thank you." I say. She smiles and nods.

"You're welcome and also, your daughter is adorable." She says. I smile back at her and walk away.

"The lady wasn't lying. You know that, right y/n?" Mattia says. I look at him and tilt my head.

"You're doing a fantastic job raising Brynnlee. You've given her everything she needs and discipline her when you need to. You've put her needs before your own every time. You were dealt a crappy hand in life, but you've made the best out of it for your daughter. Don't ever let someone convince you you're a bad mom because you arent. You're the best mom Brynnlee could ever get and you are proving it more everyday." Mattia says. I look at him after I put Brynn in my car and I kiss him.

"You are the best thing that could ever happen to me Mattia. You and the boys are the blessings I prayed to God for everyday and I couldn't ask for a better friend group." I say. Ale clears his throat.

"Since we all are blessings, can we get a kiss too?" He asks. Mattia glares at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Kidding! It was just a joke bro! I don't want your girl! She ain't worth getting murdered over. No offense." He says. We all laugh.

"None taken. I don't want Mattia to kill you because of me. I'd feel bad for being so sexy." I say, laughing. Mattia pulls me close and grabs my ass, causing me to jump.

"You should never feel bad for being sexy. Anything Ale gets, he deserves for trying to take away my nugget" Mattia says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Nugget?" I ask. He nods.

"I came up with it when I fed Brynn the nugget and you got upset because you had spent all that money on baby food. You just looked so cute when you were stressed, I couldn't help but admire you. So now, you're my nugget." He replies. Roshaun and Alvaro both sniffle.

"That's so cute! Bestie, wife this bitch up!" Roshaun says. We all laugh and I look at the time.

"It's getting late and I still need to feed, bathe, and put Brynnlee to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say. Mattia kisses my forehead and opens my car door.

"I love you nugget." He says. I look at him and smile.

"I love you too Tia." I reply. He smiles and steps away from my car. Man I'm such a simp for this boy.

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