Chapter 57 - The Children

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At the Hog's Head, Albus pulled out a very large bag of Floor powder. "The pub is called the Withered Warlock," he said softly, though other than the bartender (who seemed to be asleep), we were the only ones in the pub. "Keep your cloak hoods up; we don't know who might be there to recognize us."

"Will it be open this late?" I asked.

Albus nodded. "It's a pub, Wren. Of course it will. I think it's open all night for travelers, anyway."

I sighed. Mr. Potter hadn't shown up yet, and I was starting to get worried that no one would notice we were gone until it was too late.

"I'll go first," Albus was saying. "Then Wren, then you." Astra nodded seriously, and I didn't bother arguing. Obviously, they wouldn't trust me to go first, or last, for fear that I might just leave, or apparate away as soon as I had the chance. Astra still had my wand, or I might have already tried apparating home to ask Mrs. Potter for help. As it was, I didn't have much choice except to follow Albus into the flames.

The pub we emerged in was quite a different scene than the Hog's Head. The noise was the first thing I noticed: compared to the near deathly silence we'd come from, this rowdy chatter and laughter seemed uproariously loud. Wizards and witches were gathered at the bar and around tables scattered about the room, all too caught up in their own conversations to take notice of the three shady-looking teenagers who had just flooed in. There were two fireplaces brightening the room, as well as a multitude of candles above our heads. The whole place glowed warmly and cheerfully, and almost put me at ease, but I just pulled the hood of my cloak down a little lower. I didn't recognize anyone immediately, but that didn't mean anything at all; any of these people could have worked for my uncle.

Luckily, I didn't have to bug Astra and Albus about not being recognized. They had also pulled their hoods down, shadowing their faces, and Albus was starting to weave his way toward the door. I followed, with Astra right behind me.

The night outside was a stark contrast to the pub. Though it seemed like the noise and rowdiness should have been spilling out onto the streets through the door and windows, as soon as we'd closed the door it was as if none of it had ever existed. I turned around curiously and found that the outside of the pub looked like an abandoned and probably condemned building. No light showed through the cracks between the boarded up windows, and no sounded came out of the broken panes. In fact, the only light on this street was from the stars above us, and a streetlight at the very end of the next block. Otherwise, we were surrounded by dark businesses and quiet apartments, with not a soul in sight.

Before my eyes had even transitioned to the darkness, Albus had started off to the right. I had no idea where we were going, but Albus seemed to. "About fifteen minutes," was all he said as we took a sharp right onto a more well-lit street.

Though we passed several people, and even walked past a few rather rambunctious no-maj bars (where the party was definitely spilling out onto the street), no one paid us any attention beyond a few drunk college-aged girls calling after us, saying they loved the "hot vampire" vibe Albus was giving off, and didn't we want to come party? I suggested we take our cloaks off, since they would probably draw more attention from no-majs than they were worth, but Albus and Astra both said not to risk it.

Justus Purdue's house was the third on a street of townhouses. Most of these had lights twinkling in the windows, and the streetlights lit up the road well enough that it wasn't any use hiding. We walked past it slowly, and Astra and Albus quietly argued about whether they thought anyone was home. All the lights in the front were out, and he apparently lived alone. Was the entrance to the passage actually in his house, though? Maybe it was in the garden in the back?

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