Chapter 19 - An Irreparable Mistake

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Wren and Albus weren't in the common room when I got back from Care of Magical Creatures, which was odd. I sat down to wait for them, but after ten minutes it became clear they weren't showing up any time soon. I had no idea where they were, or what they would be doing at this time of day. I almost snuck up to the boys' dorm to get the Marauder's Map, but decided against it.

After a few more minutes, I started searching. I went to the library. Rose and Scorpius were there,  and said they hadn't seen either of them since Potions earlier. Just to be sure, I walked up and down every aisle, and even checked with Madam Since to make sure they didn't have access to the restricted section. Nothing.

I checked the hospital wing next. Madam Cantha shooed me off immediately, as they weren't there and I was interrupting her Floo call with her boyfriend.

They weren't in the Great Hall, or early to Charms, or the Quidditch pitch.

They were just gone.

I met up with Colette for Charms, and there was still no sign of them. "You haven't seen Wren and Albus, have you?" I asked.

Colette frowned. "When none of you showed up for lunch, I assumed you were with them."

"Did James say anything about it?"

"He wasn't at lunch, either."

When they didn't show up for Charms, I started to get worried.

"They're probably fine, Astra," Colette whispered, before sighing as Haverna walked in. "If you're that worried, we can go get the Marauder's Map after class and find them. I suppose you checked the Room of Requirement?"

"No... I generally only look for you there."

Colette rolled her eyes. "Aren't you bright."

"Quiet," Haverna called from the front of the room. She frowned at the empty desk across the aisle from us. "Miss Lestrange, where are your insufferable friends?"

I shrugged. "I'm not their babysitter, Professor."

Haverna sighed and gave me her signature I am fed up with your sass, Astra, look (simply a dull, tired stare). I simply smiled. I'd stopped being afraid of her when I'd found out she was in the DA. The worst she would ever do was give me detention, and I'd gotten used to that. Besides, I was still trying to annoy her as much as I could by being a stellar student. She couldn't touch me.

As Haverna started talking about a spell that turned vinegar into wine, I nudged Colette. "I'm worried."

"It's not like Wren to skive off," Colette agreed. "They'll probably both have detention, too, since it's Haverna's class they're missing."

"Do you think they're okay?"

Colette shrugged. "Probably. We can go check the Room of Requirement, and if they're not there, we can go talk to Mr. Potter, okay?"

I nodded, sighing. It would have to do.

We ran into Poppy on the way to the Room of Requirement. She hadn't seen him since Potions, either, but hadn't thought much about it. "I'm meeting him in the library in about an hour, though," she said, shrugging. "You're welcome to join us, if you need to see him."

"Maybe," I said, forcing a smile. "Thanks, anyway."

We couldn't get into the Room of Requirement. The door wouldn't open. Colette shrugged. "There you go. Whatever they're doing in there, they're there."

"How do you know? It could be someone else."

"Well, then, I suppose you'll have to wait for whoever it is to come out. But if it's them, and they don't want to be found, we'll never get in there." Colette rolled her eyes. "Who else do you think it is, though? We saw Nico Jasper in Charms, and I'm not sure that anyone else even knows about this place."

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