Chapter 55 - Foolproof

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I found James in the library, of all places. On top of that, he was actually studying. I tried to hide a proud smile as I sat down across from him, but he barely glanced up, anyway. It looked like he was studying astronomy, with star charts scattered all over the table and two different books open and propped up against other books in front of him. I watched him scribbling down planet names on a piece of parchment for a moment, leaning my elbow on the table and propping my chin up with my hand.

"James, can I talk to you for a second?"

James stopped writing mid-word and slowly raised his gaze to mine. His eyes were wide, but with one eyebrow cocked it looked more skeptical than surprised. "You want to talk to me?"

"Of course," I said, trying to play off the sting that question held. Why on earth wouldn't I want to talk to James? What kind of question was that? "We're friends, aren't we?"

"Of course we are," James said. He was regarding me quizzically, as if I were an unfamiliar star chart he needed to puzzle out. "You've just been off in your own world for so long, is all," he explained after a few moments. "Researching with Al and everything. I hardly ever see you anymore, now that Quidditch is over."

"Oh. Sorry." I shrugged and shot him an apologetic smile. At least he didn't seem to think there was anything suspicious about Albus and I being off constantly. They were all just assuming we were researching, just like we'd hoped. That was fine; as soon as we had a firm plan and had carried it out, we'd be around more and we'd be able to explain what we'd actually been doing the past few weeks. They'd all be dying to know about it all by then, anyway.

James was tapping his fingers on the tabletop. He raised an eyebrow at me. "What is it? I've got to get back to studying."

I frowned at him. "Why are you so caught up with studying? Has Wren finally gotten into your head?"

He shook his head, eyes narrowing at that near-insult to his favorite person. "No," he said testily. "I'm studying for my N.E.W.T.s, Astra, and considering I don't know what I want to do with my life, meaning I don't know which classes I need passing N.E.W.T.s in, I should probably try to do well on all of them, just in case."

I sighed. "Right, right. Unless you go play professional Quidditch, in which case none of your N.E.W.T.s matter."

"I don't want to play professional Quidditch. People would think I just got the job because of my Mum, or Fred, for one thing, and I'm not a good enough Beater for it, anyway." He rolled his eyes.

With a shrug, I said, "Well, then, I don't know how to help you."

"I didn't ask for you help."

"Rough. You could do literally anything you want for the rest of your life, James!" I threw my hands wide to emphasize my point. "You could be a bloody travel blogger, for Merlin's sake. The whole world is ahead of you!"

"It's not, actually, considering we're on the brink of war," James said. He rubbed at his eyes. "The only thing I know for sure about my future is that I want Wren to be in it. Beyond that, it's all clouded over and foggy and I can't even imagine anything. And I'm barreling straight toward that clouded, foggy mess right now. Please excuse me for trying to give myself the best chance I can."

I put my hands up in mock surrender. "Fine, fine, you win. No career for James; house-husband it is." He narrowed his eyes, and I smiled brightly. "I'm joking. Sorry. I can see you're not in the mood."

"Thanks for noticing," he said dryly.

"That's not what I wanted to talk to you about, anyway." I pretended not to notice as he rolled his eyes and set down the star chart he'd picked up. "I'm actually in need of some big-brotherly advice."

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