Chapter 7~Cerebro

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~Flash back~
Erik's POV
What had Charles done with my sister? I swear if he messed with her mind he's a dead man. But I can't get myself involved with Charles or the CIA anymore. I have to hunt down Shaw, even if I'm by myself. As soon as I finished packing I walked out the door, down the stairs, and finally out the entrance.
"From what I know about you, I'm surprised you stayed this long." Charles came out from behind me. "What do you know about me?" I asked him angrily. "Everything." He answered. "Then you know to stay out if my head." I growled at him. How dare he look through my past like that! "I'm sorry Erik, but I've seen what Shaw did to you, and your sister. I felt your agony. I can help you." He insisted. "I don't need your help. And stay away from my sister too." I commanded. I've had just about enough of this egotistical man.
"Don't kid yourself. You needed my help last night. And I didn't do anything to your sister, it was her decision. She finally feels accepted Erik. With a visible mutation such as hers, I'm not surprised she's staying. You can't control everything she does, including her decisions." I turned my back to him. "It's not just me your walking away from. Here you have the chance to be part of something much bigger than yourself." I started walking away again. "I won't stop you from leaving. I could, But I won't. Shaw has got friends. You could do with some." That got me to stop in my tracks. Dammit he's right. I heard his footsteps leave. I sighed. Fine I'll stay! But only to find Shaw!

•Time skip to next morning•

Evelyn's POV
Everything around me felt cold and frigid. That's odd, I don't remember using my powers very much last night. I opened my eyes to see my whole entire room turned to ice and frost. Oops. Please tell me it's just my room! After briskly changing my clothes, I rushed to the door to see the ice had spread to the other doors. I looked down at my hands and arms to see mark has spread all over my body. What's happening to me? I heard pounding coming from Charles' door. "Evelyn, open my door please!" I rushed to his door and stood there aghast. The whole thing had frozen over and was spreading inside. What have I done? ...I truly am a monster...even among mutants. I bet this is from smiling and laughing last night. I knew it! Since I started feeling again, this happened! I have to remember to conceal it, try not to feel. I can't let this happen again.
Charles' pounding snapped me out of my thoughts. "Evelyn! Please!" I put my palm on the door. "Move back!" I yelled. I closed my eyes and froze the whole thing to the bone. I tapped it and it broke into pieces. Charles stood and stared on the other side. His whole room was almost as frozen as mine was. "I do apologize Mr. Xavier, I truthfully don't know what happened." I apologized sophisticatedly. He walked out of the room and up to me. "It's, uh, quite alright love, and how many times must I ask you to call me Charles." He insisted.
I looked up at him. His baby blue eyes stared back into my sapphire diamonds.They were so...mesmerizing...NO! I'm not going to feel again! I can't! I quickly moved pass him to Ravens door to fix it as well. She was still sleeping so I only broke the door knob. Her door didn't look as frozen over as Charles' did from the outside, so she should be able to get out now. I walked over to Erik's as well. I don't know if he stayed, but I better do it to just make sure. I stared down at my arms once more to see the swirling mark slowly disappear.
Charles stood by the steps waiting for me. Damn, Casanova! I tried to ignore him as we walked down but then he started to speak. "I heard Hank has a new invention that can help us find other mutants. I'm actually going to a meeting now to talk about it. Would you care to come?" He asked. I took a breath. Why is he so persistent? "No thank you Charles. I have some much needed reading to catch up on." I replied.
I didn't have time for his flirting today. I would much rather read, thank you very much. By the time I ended my sentence we were at the bottom of the stairs. He stopped. I looked up at him to see him a little disappointed by my reply. He looked back at me and said something I didn't expect. "You know, I can help you with your powers. I can help you control them." Ugh I don't believe this! But I kept staring right back at him. It was almost like I was in a trance. "I'm sorry but I don't believe I need 'help' with my powers." I told him. "Well I'd say your little display upstairs says otherwise." He said matter-of-factly. I gained the strength to tear my eyes away from him and start walking in the opposite way. "You don't control it Evelyn, it controls you!" He yelled through the hallway. I officially despise this man to no end! Who is he to tell me I can't control my powers! I stormed off outside and sat under one of the trees. It was very peaceful here so I hope there won't be any "disturbances".
I began to read one of my favorite books, The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Of course it reminded me a lot of humans and mutants, so I found it relatable. It's a very long book but I love it nevertheless. As I read I began to think of Charles. He's a professor of genetics right? Maybe he'll share my adoration of this book. That'd be nice to finally have someone with the same intelligence level. Ok, maybe I should start being nicer to him. My cheeks began to redden. But not too close though!
"Evelyn." I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Erik standing above me. "Erik? You stayed?" I gasped. He gave me a small smile and held his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up to eye level. "Come on, were going to see if Hanks new invention actually works." He told me. Well I guess that might be fun. Charles will be there.....wait what? A blush rose to my cheeks once more. Do I like Charles? Preposterous of course I wouldn't, I can't feel anyway!
"Are you alright Evie?" Erik snapped me out of my thoughts. "Y-yes yes I'm fine! And what have I said about you calling me that!" He rolled his eyes at me but continued walking. Before I knew it, we stood in front of a ball? I saw a few figures standing in front of it. I assume they're probably waiting for us. There's Charles, Raven, Hank, Moira, and the other agent. What's his name anyway? When we finally approached, Charles grinned and clapped his hands together. "Shall we get started?" He seemed rather excited about this. Almost like a kid on Christmas, or similar to a child in a candy shop. I let out an accidental giggle. Crap! Charles and Erik gave me both weird looks. Stupid girly giggling! I acted like nothing happened and walked in with everyone.
The inside definitely looked more interesting. An odd looking helmet with wires sticking out sat in the middle of the room. It was on a platform surrounded by a railing. A control panel was set on the side, ready to be used. When everyone spread out in the room, I walked over and stood by Raven. At least I had one friend here who doesn't irritate me.
My sapphire crystals stared in awe at the machine Hank built. I can't believe he created this! I wonder how it works. Even though I was truly ecstatic on the inside, my outside appearance seemed quite still. It's one of the many problems I have with my emotions. I've never really showed them, and the result is people even more frightened of me. Well I've shown plenty of anger but that's about it. Last night with Raven was the moment that happens once in a blue moon, not even then! I'm still not sure how that even happened!
I pushed my thoughts aside to see Hank presenting his contraption. "I call it Cerebro." This time Charles and I chuckled in sync. We exchanged glances quickly but returned to the conversation. "As in the Spanish for brain?" Charles inquired. He walked up to the helmet and put it on his head."Yes. Ok, so the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof. When he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay and then the coordinates of their location are printed out here." Hank explained. Raven looked astonished. "You designed this?" Hank bowed his head and blushed. "Yeah." He muttered.
"What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles." Erik stated. "Don't spoil this for me Erik." Charles argued. I quietly snickered. It was quite humorous when they argued. Thankfully no one saw me this time. 'I heard that' Charles said in my head. What no! I have no idea what your talking about. I insisted. I heard him chuckle. Everyone stared at him confused, but went along with the test. "I've been a lab rat. I know one when I see one." Way to make the moment better, Erik.
Hank started to prepare for the experiment. "Okay, great. Are you sure we can't shave your head?" He asked. "Don't touch my hair." Charles threatened. I smirked. Oh Charles, you and your hair. Well I must say his hair is.....nice looking, I don't want anyone to shave it either. 'You like my hair?' I could hear the smirk in his sentence. My eyes widened. Damn. "Okay." Hank said defeated. He walked over to one of the switches and finally turned on the machine. "Gahh!" Charles gasped loudly and gripped the rails around him for dear life. Suddenly he started laughing and looking around him. What was he seeing? "It's working!" Hank smiled. I guess we have some mutants to find.

((Hey guys I need your help! I am looking for someone to draw Evelyn for me! If you'd like to, my Instagram is Music2000! Just follow me and send me the picture! I will post each one I get on a following chapter! The winner of the best picture will be put in this story! Have fun! : 3))

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