Chapter 6~The CIA Headquarters

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Evelyn's POV
     The drive to the CIA headquarters is nerve wracking, yet we're getting there faster than I thought. Im sitting with Erik and a woman named Moira in the back, and Charles is sitting with another agent and a girl named Raven in the front. I still didn't know what Charles' powers were, so I at least have something to think about on the drive. Teleporting? No probably not. Oo maybe he has fire powers? Meh not that either. Or maybe he's a telepath? Oh god I hope he isn't! He would've heard everything from last night! And everything now too! I heard him chuckle in front of me. What's so damn funny Charles? 'You'  Wait who said that? I look around me and see everyone's still quiet. Then who said that? Was that Charles?! O my god, he's a TELEPATH?! You've got to be kidding me! Ugh, let me try to make some kind of ice barrier around my thoughts or something. Then he won't read my thoughts! I'm brilliant!
     I concentrated on concealing my mind. 'Im sorry my dear but it doesn't exactly work like that' Dammit Charles get out! I didn't hear anything after that. Well that idea is off the table. I tried to remember if I did anything back with Schmidt, which is apparently 'Sebastian Shaw' now, that would help me shield my mind.Then the thought came to me. That's it...but I can't. Not after last time. That memory has haunted me forever. Oh well, I guess I'll have to think of something later. I got out of the car and observed the CIA headquarters. It didn't seem that great from the outside. Maybe it looks better in. I stood beside Erik as we walked towards the entrance.    
     "Welcome to my facility." The CIA agent told us. "My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense." He continued. "Or offense." Erik added. We all gave him an odd look but turned our attentions back to the agent. "This guy, Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him." He finished. 
     "Marvelous! So we'll be the CIA's new mutant division yes?" Charles inquired. "Something like that." The agent replied. Once at the entrance, Charles opened the door and smiled at me. I ignored him and walked in. I didn't have time for him and his flirting today. He may be well......kinda....attractive, but I need to find Shaw. Not get involved with silly boys. The inside looked very dull. Everything was gray and blocky. Well aren't they just creative! "If you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to one of our bright young researchers." The agent told us.
     We all followed him down the hall to a very large room. He opened the door for us and let us walk in. I nodded my head to him as thank you. The room was quite extensive compared to the entry. I stood between Erik and Charles, and waited for the person to arrive. We all gaped at the large model plane hanging from the ceiling. It looked amazing! "It's supersonic." I was snapped out of my thoughts as I saw a young man with glasses coming closer. "The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life, it's incredible." The young man said excitedly.
      "Hank these are the special new recruits I was telling you about." The agent he referred to us. "This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers." He said proudly. I could see his gaze keep coming to either me or Raven. Ugh not another one! Please fall for Raven! Charles walked up to Hank and shook vigorously his hand."How wonderful! Another mutant already here! Why didn't you say?" "Say what?" The agent asked, obviously confused. He doesn't know you idiot! "Because you don't know. I am so, so terribly sorry." Charles apologized. "Hank?" He looked at him questionably. Hank shifted uncomfortably and put his hands in his pockets. "You didn't ask, so I didn't tell." I saw Raven walked forward, clearly interested in Hank.
     "So, your mutation is what? You're super smart?" She asked him. Then Charles walked up next to Raven. Well he seems a little protective over her. "I'll say! Hank here graduated from Harvard at the age of 15!" Hank looked down sheepishly. "I wish that's all it was." He muttered. Charles put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You're among friends now, Hank. You can show off." He told him. Hank raised his head back up and looked back at Raven. He picked up his feet one at at time, and took his shoes and socks off. His feet are huge! They look like gorilla feet! He put his arms out, signaling them to move back. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. He jumped up feet first and hung from the lights. "Splendid!" Charles chuckled. Raven stepped even closer to Hank.    
     "You're amazing." She complemented. "Really?" Hank asked astonished. I feel bad for both of them and yet, I am kinda one of them. After all, my mark spreads when I use my powers, and my hair. I think I'll talk to Raven tonight. I would like to get better aquatinted with her, or as some would say 'girl time'. After some talking of mutants and Hank asking Raven to come down later for a blood sample, Charles walked over to the door."If you'll follow me to your rooms now." He glanced at me and smiled. Ugh not this again! He chuckled at me once more. Again with the damn chuckling! 
     We all followed him back down the hallway again, up the stairs, and finally we stood in a long hall of doors. "Erik, yours is 400. Raven, yours is 401. Evelyn, yours is 402 right next to mine." He instructed. I rolled my eyes at him. He made sure to make emphasis on the 'mine' part. Erik glared but went along with it. He knew he couldn't argue now. Raven didn't seem fazed by it at all. I guess this is a regular thing for Charles to be a Casanova. I didn't face Charles and just opened the door and walked in. I closed it, put my hand on the handle, and froze it a little. Just enough to give someone frostbite. I smirked, Charles won't be coming in anytime soon.
     I observed the room a little. It is quite quaint, but a good quaint. The bed is very soft, but the colors and decor are bland and dull. Once again the CIA aren't very creative people. I guess it'll do, I'm leaving with Erik tonight anyway. But the more I think about it, the more I'm uneasy about leaving. I'm not exactly sure why. Well, this is the first time I could hang around people who were like me. Ones that weren't my brother at least. I would like to speak with Raven, but I believe she's with Hank at the moment. So I'll have to wait. I think I'll take a nap. I didn't really get good sleep on that boat last night. I kicked off my shoes, took off my jacket, and laid down under the covers. This bed is so soft....It feels like...a cloud. My eyes fluttered closed and sleep soon took over me.
     When I awoke it was only about 10:30, hopefully Raven will be up. I stood up and put my jacket and shoes back on. Breaking the ice on the doorknob, I opened it and walked out. I looked left and right. Good no sign of Charles. He makes me so mad! Him and his stupid..soft brown hair! And his dum..beautiful blue eyes! Hey, focus Evelyn! Right! I went over to Ravens door and knocked on it. "Come in!" I heard her say.
     I opened the door and stepped in. She was sitting on her bed reading, and looked a little startled to see me. "Oh hi Evelyn! Do you need something?" She asked me. "Oh no Raven I don't need anything! I just kinda wanted to talk." She looked at me somewhat lost but nodded. "Cause I never really had another female to talk to, I just wanted to see what it was like." I muttered. She smiled warmly at me. I think I might like her. I tried to smile back but my face wouldn't contort itself to do so.
      She patted the bed to signal me to sit by her. I never did this, I hope don't mess up or do something stupid. There was one thing I wanted to ask about her though. I closed the door and sat beside her. "So what do you want to talk about?" She wondered. "Well I did want to ask what your mutation was." She seemed to be contemplating it but agreed. Raven got up off the bed and stood straight. "Watch this!" I was quite intrigued to see what she was so excited about. I gasped, she was me!
     "Woah, that's amazing Raven!" I smiled. Wait I smiled? I'm smiling! I began to laugh. She chuckled but was very puzzled. "What's so funny Evelyn?" "I'm smiling! And laughing! I haven't felt like this in decades!" I laughed again. "So what's your mutation?" She giggled. I stood up and walked over to the door. "Here, watch this." I took off my jacket and threw it on a chair. I placed my finger on the door and frost starting spreading. I saw my mark glowing and spreading again. I heard her gasp in shock and laugh again.  
     "You're fantastic! I always wanted to meet another mutant like me!" Like her? "What do you mean?" I came back to the bed. She suddenly turned all blue. Her eyes became yellow and her hair darkened to red. "This is what I'm really like. Charles has never understood what it's like to truly have to hide your powers. But you and me! You know what it's like!" I ceased laughing. "It's true, I do. I'm very happy to have met you Raven! It's the same with Erik! He doesn't have to hide his powers like we do." We smiled at each other. 
     "So what's Charles like, hmm? Other than a Casanova playboy?" I asked her. She smirked at me. "Does somebody have little crush?" I felt blood rush to my face. "Oh no of course not! He just gets on my nerves if anything!" I reassured. She raised one eyebrow but went along with it. "He's actually really serious. All he can think about is work, and what's immoral or moral. However he can be charming, romantic, and caring. I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for him." Hmm, Charles may not be as bad as I thought. But he's still a pain.
     "Hey what's happening to your hair?" I was surprised by her question but looked down to check. What's happening?! The midnight blue tips that once dyed my hair is now turning azure. I jumped in surprise. "I-I'm not sure. It's been a dark blue since I was a child." She grabbed a piece of hair in her hands. "Maybe you should ask Erik." She advised. "I think that would be best." I said. She giggled at me. "What?" I don't get what's so funny.
      "You sound just like Charles!" I scoffed at her comment. "Ok ok, but you can't deny it!" I rolled my eyes. "Sure Raven, sure." I said sarcastically. I began to walk towards the door. "Oh and Evelyn!", I turned around, "I hope you stay." I didn't exactly know what to say to that. Did I want to stay? "Me too..." I mumbled. Quickly, I got out of the room. I leaned my back on the door and sighed. Maybe I shouldn't leave. I made an actual friend. An actual friend! And accepts me for who I am and what I do! Groaning, I peeled myself from the wall and stood up straight. I need to tell Erik. Let's see, oh right! His is next to Ravens! Walking over next to his door, I opened it. It is my brother after all, he didn't really care.
     Inside I see him packing up a suitcase. "Oh Evelyn. Get your suitcase ready, we're leaving soon." He commanded. I gathered up all my strength and said. "I'm not leaving Erik", he looked at me befuddled, "I know, I know! But Erik look around us! We are welcomed here, for who we are. We have friends, who accept us! I don't want to leave that! And we have the chance to be a part of something, much bigger than ourselves. You can go Erik, I won't stop you that's your decision. But I'm staying here." With that I turned back to the door and went out. I didn't bother to see Erik's opinion in this. He always has a way of persuading me to do things I don't want to do. I came back to my room and got ready for bed. It's quite late now and I'd like to get some rest. Right before I let sleep take over me, I heard him again. 'Thank you for staying.' I could feel the sincerity in his voice. 'Your welcome Mr. Xavier' I gently fell asleep with a small smile on my face. I think I'm going to like it here.

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