Ebony Watt x George Weasley

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I was walking towards the twins secret hiding spot. It was a place hidden behind a gargoyle statue in Gryffindor tower, near the fat lady painting. I pulled out my wand and casted an enchantment causing the gargoyle to move out of the doorway to the small room that I shared with the twins. There were piles of Knicks and Knacks along with 3 beds and a small desk in a corner. The room was our sanctuary we had stole the beds from the nursery surprisingly while Madame Pomfrey was on vacation over the Winter break. This was the twins and my own dorm. My huge crush is one of the twins themselves. George, the sweeter one in my opinion. He always helps his brother and me when we need it. We never fight me and Fred will have our occasional spat but it's very rare, hardly ever happens. Amazingly we hadn't been caught yet sneaking out of our dorm every night to hang out in this very room. We had no roommates in our own dorms so we decided we would room together after becoming fast friends on the train their third year, my second year.

"Hey, Ebony!" Fred shouted from his seat on one of the beds.

"Hello, Fred. Hi George." I replied placing my bag on the small desk in the corner and plopping down in the little spinny chair.

"I saw you sitting with Draco and Pansy at lunch." George spoke.

"They are my best friends besides you two. They are all I have in Slytherin. Who else was I supposed to sit with? I can't exactly sit at another house's table ya know." I countered knowing where this was going. George never liked it when I sat with Draco or any Slytherin boys for that matter. He doesn't even really like Pansy either to be honest. I take a seat on the bed on the far right and sit indian style in the center of it looking at the boys. "So what's the plan today?" I ask implying a prank plan.

"I was thinking a Hufflepuff first year named Gregory Phillis." Fred spoke up.

"That poor boy.... how are we gonna prank him?" I ask causing the boys to laugh.

"How about we pull the classic tar and feathers prank muggles love so much." George offered.

"Hmmm, not a bad idea. I can lure him with my charms into a hall with a door and wait for him to open the door for me and then bam! a bucket of tar falls on his head." I suggested.

"Then we can jump out with bags full of feathers and dump them on him!" Fred finished excitedly.

"Alright Ebony, use your charms on that poor boy as you called him." George spoke up winking at me causing me to blush a deep shade of red.

"Alright now we have a plan time to take action." I replied shaking out of my embarrassment.

"Fred you get the bucket. George you go with him and get the tar. I'll get the feathers." I ordered shoving the boys out of the room and past the gargoyle.

"Meet back in an hour." George commented as they took off to find tar and a bucket. Where they'll find that, I have no clue but that's why I made them do it.

I began to walk through Gryffindor tower. I already had a plan to get the feathers from Hagrid and bring them back so I decided to wander around for a while throughout the halls. I went into deep thought.

~Flash back~

I'm sitting alone in one of the rooms on the train. I have my owl Princess in the cage above my head cooing softly.

"Any sweets from the trolly sweetie?" The trolly lady asks.

"No thanks." I reply giving her a kind smile.

"I'll take one of everything." George had asked after having walked to the cart right outside my room. "Isn't it lonely by yourself?" The red head asked.

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