Aria x James Potter

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I was leaving the library when suddenly I was bombarded by water balloons. I growled in frustration as I glanced down at my cloaks. I quickly looked around to find my best friends laughing like jerks.

"I'm going to kill you guys!" I shouted as I pulled out my wand. Sirius and James started running as I chased after them. "Padfoot! This was your idea wasn't it?!" I shouted as Sirius stuck his tongue out at me.

"Of course! With the help of Prongs that is! Wormtail and Moony were just along for the ride." Sirius shouted. I ran past the innocent Marauders after the two most troublesome pair.

"You're not really going to use that wand of yours are you?" James asked as I grinned evilly.

"Do you really think that THE Talon of the marauders would pull a wand and not use it?" I asked evilly as I quickly cast a spell creating a large puddle in front of them as they slid through it landing on their butts. "Take that. Now you are all wet just like me."

"Don't think we will let you off that easily Talon." Sirius and James said together.

"You guys are creepy when you do that. It's like you rehearse for it." I replied giving them a weird look.

"Who says we don't rehearse it?" They said once again together.

"Alright enough." I said laughing. "We have to get changed before dinner." I said before turning and grabbing a hold of Peter and Remus's arms and dragging them to the common room. The two trouble makers following closely behind whispering back and forth.

~James POV~

"How are we going to get back at her?" I asked as we watched Aria, Peter, and Remus walk ahead of us.

"Color her hair while she's asleep?" Padfoot asked as I thought it over.

"No, I kinda like her hair the way it is." I replied.

"Sounds like a personal problem." Padfoot mumbled causing me to slap him on the shoulder. "Well? What briliant ideas do you have?" He retaliated causing me to smirk.

"Time to break out the cloak." I whispered evilly as we both grinned.

~Aria's POV~

"It's nice to have friends to keep me occupied." I spoke as Remus, Peter, and I walked down the hallway.

"Still having problems at home?" Remus asked. I nodded in response before glancing back at James.

"What's wrong at home?" Peter asked worriedly.

"My Slytherin sister told the family I was falling for a Potter and they are threatening to kick me out of the house, or worse, Hogwarts." I replied frowning.

"What's wrong with the Potters?" He asked again.

"My family hates them more than the Malfoy's only now my Slytherin sister is getting involved with the Malfoy's and they don't care. They are more worried about me with Potter. I mean, not that I have a chance against Lily or anything." I stated sighing.

"He's just blind, Aria. You are a wonderful and beautiful young lady. He would be lucky to have you." Remus said placing his spare hand over mine draped across the crook of his elbow.

"I just don't want to get pulled out of Hogwarts for something that may never happen." I said dejectedly.

"What's this about being pulled out of Hogwarts?" Sirius asked suddenly as they appeared right behind us. A few moments ago they were a few feet back.

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