Sirius Black x reader

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"(y/n) we need to go!" I heard Mrs. Potter called.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, sheesh." I replied walking down the steps towards the door. I spotted James and Sirius standing by the door wands in hand. Today we were going to Diagon Alley to buy our school supplies. I glanced over the list:

The Standard Book of Spells

Defensive Magical theory




I looked over at James and smirkewd that famous Potter smile. I was after all a Potter. I looked over at Sirius who looked like he was daydreaming and giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" Sirius asked snapping out of his trance.

"The bloody idiots in front of me." I replied watching Sirius go red in the face in anger. I had that way with Sirius. We were close but I could easily anger him. The slightest insult to his ego from me and he blew his lid. I smiled and waited for the rant to begin but it didn't. I looked at him and he was smirking. I was confused by this action. What has taken over this idiot? I asked allowed on accident.

"Nothing (y/n)" James replied quickly seeming suspicious about something.

"Ok?" I replied confused.

"Enough dilly dallying! Let's get going we promised to meet the Lupin's at 1 its 12:55 now." Came mom's voice. We all quickly flooded into the den deciding that this was probably the better idea if we wanted to get there on time.

~Fast forward to you and the marauders in the Three Broomsticks after school had started~

"Oi! (y/n) ready for the quidditch match?!" I heard Sirius ask from down the hall.

"Yes and no. I'm so bloody nervus about James getting hit by a bludger rather than me missing a shot. He seems like such a scatter brain when he's playing seeker." I replied glancing nerously over at my brother. He grinned at my woried face trying to reassure me. Sirius placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm more worried about you Slytherins don't play kindly when your keeper. They get desperate." He spoke softly in my ear sending a chill down my back. I had been in love with Sirius Black since first year when he had been introduced to me by James. We were twins, me and James. Made our parents' life easier if you ask me. They had agreed on having only two kids and they had two kids in a package deal. They had to buy nearly two of everything but they were rich so what did they care. I of course disagreeing with going under the nickname of the group marauder declined their offer of becoming a trouble making group of Animagi. So of course I was the angel child.

"Oi! I'm talking to you!" Sirius said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I asked confused.

"I said meet me at the Quidditch pitch after the game." Sirius replied looking mock offended. I punched his arm and smirked.

"Alright, but only if you score three shots for me during the game. I hate their keeper more than I do Lucius Malfoy and Slytherin combined. He makes my job harder. Plus, he's always mocking me for being a girl." I replied with an evil glint in my eye showing the truth behind my relation to my brother.

"Your on!" He replied running off as the bell rang towards the locker rooms. I giggled and chased after him.

~Flash back~

"What position you going for this year?" I asked Sirius. He always changed it up. He had tried Keeper last year but couldn't beat me so he gave up and played beater.

"I was thinking Chaser." He replied eating a chocalate frog he had bought at honeydukes when we were in Diagon Ally a week ago. Now we were on the train headed back to Hogwarts.

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