Chapter Eleven: Dad's Story

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No way, no fucking way was my father here. Why on Earth would he show up, out of no where. Last time I checked, I embarrassed him at Graduation. Which I wear that badge with pride, if I do say so myself. Actually, when I think about it. Mother and Kathryn looked pissed, dad looked...guilty? No, that couldn't be it. 


"What are you doing here?" 

My tone was clipped. I mean, it's no secret that our relationship is shit. No dispute, doubt, or after thought. So forgive me when I'm a little snappy at the man who's incapable of telling his daughter he loves her. 

"I need to talk to you."

"Well that's evident."

"Can I come in?"

I was shocked. He was asking, and his voice was....nice? The fuck? Who was he and what did he do to my real father? It's like fucking 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' dad, was a pod person. I swear. 

I stepped aside to let him in, closing the door behind us. What do I do? What do I say? Do I offer him a drink, some food, or just turn off the movie and get straight to the point about why he's here. And what about Gerard? 


 I forgot about Gerard.

Gerard, the wonderful boy that wants to punch my father's lights out for all the shit he's pulled. The beautiful boy, that just happened to turn around right as we walked into the living room. The boy who's head tilted in confusion at the sight of us, and then the recognition hit. Our similar hair, the same eyes, Gerard realized my father was in the room. He quickly stood up, and walked to my side. Taking my hand in his and giving it a light squeeze. Bless him. 

My father took notice of this and raised an eyebrow. Oh so now he starts taking an interest in what I do. Fucking lovely. Great timing dad....not.

"Uh dad, this Gerard Way my roommate, band-mate, and best friend. Gerard this is Kenneth Mason my...father."

My father stuck out his hand, 

"Kayla's always been one for formalities, don't know why. Just call me Ken. Or Sir, it doesn't really matter."

Gerard shook his hand, and when dad turned around he gave me a 'What in the hell' expression. I gave him my best 'beats the fuck out of me' face. Gerard knows I wouldn't lie about my parents treatment of me, and this...this wasn't like my dad. He seemed please and easy going about being here, unannounced. 

I pulled Gee close to me to whisper in his ear,

"Pod person."

He smirks at me, 


"Shut up."

"This is a nice set up here Kid. Very you."

Like you know who I am. Since when have you even bothered to get to know me? 

Oh the words I wished to say to him at that moment, but I held my tongue. Why, I've yet to figure out, but I did. Maybe it was Gran doing it for me. It would seem like something she'd do. Even from beyond the grave. 

"Dad, we both know you didn't fly all this way to check out the place I live in. So why don't  you tell me why you're really here."

I led us all to the couch. He sat down, and stared at his hands. He started fiddling his fingers. Something very un-Ken like. I'm telling you, pod person. It's the only explanation.

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