Chapter Nine: Trouble in Friendly Paradise

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What I thought was going to be a dreamless, peaceful sleep turned into a wake up at 3am kind of deal. Not because of nightmares, but because Gerard's hand kinda traveled upward a bit, to where it was just below where my bodacious boobage was. Which in turn caused me to jolt into consciousness, at 3:15am. 

Sighing, knowing I wasn't going to go back to sleep once I woke up. I got out of bed, put my glasses on, grabbed my sketchpad, Walkman, and headed up the stairs. Feeling my way around the house, until I came to a lamp by one of the couches, I turned it on and sat down. I opened to book, only to realize in my haste to do something, I grabbed Gerard's instead. Common mistake, our books are similar in size. They look like journals, except with out lined pages, and the paper is thicker. 

His book is a simple black leather bound book, mine is black leather bound too, but with stickers on the back. And this one didn't have stickers. Curosity got the best of me, and I flipped through it. Only towards the back though, I'd seen some of his work over the past few weeks. He's amazing. My god, you just don't know. It's a good thing he's going into comics. He could take over the comic world with his art, and dark witty humor. 

I was flipping past the pages I'd already seen, and came to the last sketch he did. And what I saw shocked me. It was us, on the floor in our apartment, faces close together, his hand cupping my cheek. It was the incident that happened yesterday. He drew it out. I almost cried, almost. 

Why would he ask me to forget about it, when clearly he sketched it. And more importantly, when did he have time to? Maybe when we were driving here? I mean, I've been at his side practically all damn day and night and I hadn't seen him pull out his sketchbook. Or maybe this was a dream. All be it, a boring one, but it wouldn't be a first. I checked the drawing again, looking for a date. We never not date our sketches. It's just not done. And there wasn't one. 

And at that realization, I woke up.

Damn, I hate being right. 

I squinted over to the alarm clock on Gerard's nightstand, 3:20am. Fuck me.

Gerard's arm was still around my waist, and his snoring was still light. I carefully detangled myself, and slipped on my glasses. I turned to see if I woke him up, I didn't. But then, I started to really look at him. And I realized why I was falling for him. Pushing his hair out of his eyes, I sat there for a minute admiring him in the moonlight. He was so peaceful, so handsome,  so...dare I say it, beautiful. His chest rising and falling at a steady rhythm, his eyes fluttering ever so slightly. He's lost a bit of weight in the month that we've lived together. Around 20 lbs. He's been working out with me. Only on Sundays though. I refuse to go to church, and he doesn't attend we go work out. 

So as not to have a deja vu moment, I just grabbed a few cassettes, my beat up converse, and Gee's keys. I was too wound up to sleep, so maybe a drive would help with that. I know he said he didn't want me driving by myself at night alone, but seriously? I can take care of myself, and I doubt Jersey is that bad. 

I hastily threw my hair into a haphazard ponytail, and grabbed a Ramones zip up jacket I found lying on the floor. It swallowed me. But then again, most of my clothes do. But this wasn't mine, it was Gee's and smelled just like him. A smile formed on my face.

I scribbled a note for him, and placed it on the nightstand. Just in case he woke up.

Creeping out of the house, and figuring out which one was the house key, I locked the door, and headed for the car. I coasted out of the driveway, never making a sound till I got to the street, and then I started the engine. I was energized, and I wanted to do something about it. 

Bake. That sounded super. I found a 24hr super market, and bought all the food I was preparing to destroy the Way's kitchen with. There were many things I wanted to bake, and cook at the moment. But I was just going to stick to the basics. Cookies, a coffee cake, and I'll make everyone breakfast.

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