Chapter Two; The Beginning

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So ya

Thought ya

Might like to 

Go to the show.

To feel that warm thrill of confusion,

That space cadet glow.

-Pink Floyd's Into The Flesh

June 1st, 1995. Graduation Day.

Today is the day. Today is the day I'm finally free. Not only will I move out of here, and into my grandmother's house, but for the whole summer I'll be in New York City for Rock N Roll fantasy camp. Dorky I know, but it's the best place for someone that loves playing music to meet some of their favorite artists. Some of the ones that will be there will be Bruce Dickinson, John Lord, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Lou Reed, Nick Mason (no relation, believe me I looked into it. You have no idea how disappointed I was). And so many more. I heard a rumor that Ringo Starr is going to be one of the mentors for us aspiring drummers. Can you say score?

 Dad surprised me with the plane ticket, and information packet that came in the mail, just 3 days ago. In it, it said to pack the usual things you'd need, (clothes, toiletries ect.) but also to pack books, movies, and other personal items considering that we'll be living in an apt for 3 months. I'll  have a roommate, but they're two bedroom, one bath apts. So it's all good. I'm shaking like a leaf, considering I leave tonight right after graduation. Once I give my speech, I'm grabbing my diploma and getting the fuck out of dodge. Away from everyone, and everything I loathe. I'm going to a place where no one knows me, and I have a chance to make friends. 

Mother isn't too keen on this. She says if frivilous, and I should be more like my sister. I need to go to pre law school. Not some 'fantasy that wont come true' camp. And what really twisted the knife in the shrew's heart....I chose to go to Cambridge Visual Arts & Photography College.  Yes, that's right...I picked my career. I want to be a photographer. To be more specific I want to be a music photographer. Take the promo pictures for bands, go on tour with them and take backstage pictures for their liner notes. That would be amazing. It would give me a chance to travel, and to be around the things I love. 

Not that I wouldn't have a hard time traveling anyways. When Gran died she had changed her will to leave me everything. That included the house, the old cars from over the years, and the millions of dollars that she had. Old family oil money. Right now...sitting in my bank account is around 20 million. Pretty nice huh? Dad was pissed. He thought him, and uncle Kasey were going to get the money, but all went to me. Every last dime of it. I was called ungrateful, unworthy, and any other name in the book by him. Uncle Kasey didn't care though, he thought it was great...and had been expecting it since I was born apparently. 

My uncle, besides my grandmother, and my brother, is the only other family member that I actually have a good relationship with. He's the older brother of the two, and super awesome. He's this kick ass burnout hippie. He served his time in 'Nam, and when he got out he started protesting with the rest of the hippies, smoking copious amounts of herbal medication, and listening to some of the best bands ever. He got me into The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, The Misfits, ect. I mean really, to have an uncle like that...I'm pretty damn lucky. I know he's going to be in the crowd tonight cheering me on. He's probably going to be the only one besides Kyle. I know if Gran were alive, she'd be the loudest. She's always been the loudest. 

I heard my door open, and I turned my head to see who disturbed my peace. Ah, just Kyle....with the video camera. Christ Almighty, he never goes anywhere with out that thing. See instead of being a Marine he should have taken my route and gone for the more artsy career. Like be a film director. You never know, my brother could have been the next Spielburg, or something. But nooooo, he just had to do something big and tough like. Fucking jerk, couldn't live up to his full potential. Worried that they'd call him a queer or some shit, what a pussy. 

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