Marissa and Niall

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This one is for @Crimson_Tears_32 hope you enjoy. I have had a lot of fun writing these one shots so far!

"Do I really need to meet your... your seven brothers?" Niall whined nervously as we walked up the path to my house.

"Yes, don't worry I've told them to be nice. They will love you!" I said, hopping what I said would be true. I unlocked the door and we walked into my house. All seven of my tall, athletic, muscular brothers along with my dad were sitting on the couch watching a football (soccer) game. They were all sipping beers, probably trying to be intimidating. Niall helped me get my coat off. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room. "Alright, everybody this is Niall. Niall this is my family." I said motioning to them all.

My oldest brother got up and shook hands with Niall. Niall looked extremely nervous, his hand felt sweaty in mine. "I'm Jim. Nice to meet you we have heard quite a lot."

"Alright so... are all of you up for dinner?" I asked shyly trying to break the awkward silence of listening to the telly.

"Definantly." My dad said. We all got up and trooped into the kitchen and all got lots of food, again eating in an awkward silence. I kicked my brother, Gabe, under the table. Usually my family was extremely talkative.

"So," Gabe said grunting as I kicked him. "What do you like to do then Niall. My sister here says you sing." Niall smiled weakly. I tried to give him a reasuring grin but I'm not sure if he even saw it.

"Yeah... I'm in a band. I play the guitar I'm also quite into football." Niall told them.

"Really? I play football. Good game."




"Alright Niall this round goes to you." My dad said dealing out cards. Even though the night had started out extremely awkwardly eventually my family warmed up to Niall's charm, as I had hopped they would. We were now into ur 4th round of cards between Niall and Jim, things were getting intense.

"Alright Jim, I know you're my girlfriends brother but buddy you're going down!" Niall said jokingly. Jim just grunted and start looking over his cards. I decided that I should prehaps put a stop to this before anyone got their feelings hurt. I yawned hugely.

"You know what? As much fun as this has been, getting all of my lads together, I'm knackered. Niall maybe its time you headed back to your flat?" I hinted. Niall got the clue.

"Alright babe, whatever you say." Niall said putting down his hand and standing up. Shaking hands with my family.

"Niall, you know what? I didn't think I was going to like you if I'm being honest. But kid, you're alright. You take good care of my girl, if I hear of any nonsense..." Dad winked letting that threat hang in the air. Niall chuckled nervously running a hand through his hair and sliding his arm around my waist.

"Never sir, your daughter means a lot to me." Niall said honestly. We walked to the door and to his car. "Well that went loads better than I thought it would, your family is really great!" Niall said as he opened up his car.

"I'm so glad you think so Nialler."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'll text you even sooner." I told him. He lightly kissed my forehead then nose and got into his car. I stepped back, thinking he would drive away. Instead, he rolled down the window.

"Marissa, come'ere." Niall said wagging his finger. I leaned down into his car through the window. He passionately kissed my lips, I smiled into the kiss feeling happier than ever. "I love you Marissa."

"I love you to Niall."

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