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They both came to notice that Beomgyu didn't know where he was going, so Hyesang took in charge. They got a lot of pair of eyes staring at them being chased, but anxiety was chasing them faster.

"Run through there!" Beomgyu points at the crowd, Hyesang nods as picks up the pace.
Hoseok and Yoongi were on their tail from both left to right, but as soon they went through the crowd, it was a disaster to follow.

"Get them!" Hoseok yells, grabbing each and everyone's attention. The security guards looked at them as they came their way.

Hyesang runs to the dead end of the mall, she slides into an alley way between a store and a bathroom as they hid behind a wall.

They pant breathlessly, but Beomgyu gets up as he let's go of her hand.

"How'd they find us ..?" He says quietly as he looks over the wall to get a small peak. Hyesang looks at him from behind, "Those guys didn't look familiar." She says as she pictures Taehyung in her head.

The silence between them was small until Beomgyu makes his final decision.

"It's better if we just go outside and face them." Beomgyu suggested as they hid from behind a wall in an alleyway in the Mall.

"Are you crazy? I'll go to jail for protecting you from them!" Hyesang hissed as she grips two pieces of her hair, frustratingly.

"Shhhh." Beomgyu stood up, Hyesang raised a brow.

"Don't tell me to 'Shhh', I'm just stating facts!"

"No I mean it! They're too quiet..." He listened closely,

"They're that way!"

"They're coming, let's go!" Hyesang hurried up and grabbed his wrist as she dragged him away.

She looks ahead of her as she tries to find an elevator to go on. As soon as she does, she quickly jams the button as she sees a pack of security guards with two men in front of them.

Once the elevator doors opened, they both ran inside while Hyesang keeps jamming the buttons. Her grip around Beomgyu's hand tightens as she sees them get closer.

The door begins to close, slowly, the running men were only inches away from the elevator. Beomgyu lets go of Hyesang's hand as he wraps both his hands around bars inside the elevator as he jumps both his legs up and kicks a security guard.

The security guard was like a bowling ball hitting all of his pins. Including Yoongi and Hoseok. They glare at Beomgyu once more as they see the doors close.

The elevator starts to sink down, "Get to the stairs, NOW!" Yoongi says furiously as the security guards did what he said.

Beomgyu and Hyesang lean against the elevator walls while they wait until they're in the parking lot.

"When that opens, we need to run." Beomgyu points at the doors, Hyesang nods nervously. She was really doubting her future, thinking how she would be as a prison inmate. Her anxiety went up seeing the doors open.

Hyesang jogs to where she parked the car, Beomgyu moved his legs stealthily. She unlocks the car as she throws the shopping bags in the backseat. Beomgyu opens the passenger door until he hears gunshots. He turns his head in sight of Hoseok and Yoongi, he gets in as Hyesang begins to back out of the parking lot.

Hoseok and Yoongi aim at the car as they watched. Beomgyu looks at Hyesang one more time before he closes the passenger door. "Beomgyu!" She yells from inside the car.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍. ᶜʰᵒⁱ ᵇᵉᵒᵐᵍʸᵘ [✔️]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ