▹ The older brother

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It's no secret that George Lee has a particular soft spot for the younger group of BigHit Entertainment. From the very first day he met TXT, he doted on them and as someone who was more than experienced in album promotions, he knows just how stressful it can be.

With food clutched in his hands ready for them to eat, he bowed politely to a few staff who he recognised as he headed down the long hallway. From outside the door he could hear muffled yells of excitement and brief bickering making it known that they were inside of the room.

Smiling to himself, he pushed the door open and stepped inside earning several gasps from the younger idols — they still hadn't got used to the fact that they were friends with the one and only George Lee. All of this was still very surreal to them.

The boys appeared to be on live before they performed, so George did his best to stay quiet not wanting to steal the spotlight. However, his plan failed when one of the staff called out his name in a scolding manner. It was quiet, but could still be picked up on the live and by the way Yeonjun cringed, George knew the fans had heard.

"In my defence, Soobin never told me they were on live when I messaged him. So...let's all blame Soobin. Gosh Soobin, why didn't you tell me?" George playfully spoke as he set the food down whilst leader Soobin blushed slightly.

In all honesty, the fact that George had texted him caught him off guard and in the moment, he was too shocked to even think about the activities that were going on around him. All he could focus on was that one of his idols had messaged him.

The kid was starstruck.

George had tried to keep his voice as low as possible but with George Lee, nothing is ever quiet. He has a big mouth and he can be heard from miles away, so MOAs had already caught onto the fact that he was in the room.

"I brought you guys food since Soobin said you hadn't eaten since this morning. I don't care what your manager says, it's important for you guys to eat as much as you can. Stress levels are high and the last thing you need is to be hungry on top of it," George explained. "I know from experience."

He slid the food over to them followed by a few tubs of ice cream and some drinks, he also threw some extra snacks on the table just in case they got hungry afterwards. Once everything was out and the boys were eating, George sat down on the sofa next to Kai but kept himself out of the shot of the live.

"Thank you, Hyung," Kai said shyly.

George smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a side hug that Kai happily returned. Out of all of the members, George felt most like the older brother purely because he has that natural brotherly aura. They adore the other boys, but George never failed to make them feel at ease.

"So, hows things going? I saw your music video, really good! You boys are doing amazing," He praised, not realizing just how much of an impact his praise had on the new idols.

George had never really thought his input on things was that important. He often forgets that he's a member of a well known group — a very well known group and doesn't realize that his presence alone is enough to send someone into cardiac arrest let alone his praise on their music.

Casually, he sat chomping on his own noodles whilst the TXT boys processed the compliment. Honestly, Taehyun looked like he was about to burst into tears. George didn't realize that they had fallen silent - far too focused on his food- until he finally looked up and saw them with red cheeks and sparkling eyes.

A few of the staff members chuckled at his oblivion as he stared at them blankly, slowly chewing on his noodles whilst the chat went wild with comments about how good of a Hyung he is to them.

"What?" He questioned.

When nobody said anything, he turned to the staff in hopes they would have any idea what was going on but he quickly realized that they were laughing at him and a pout appeared on his lips whilst he cocked his head to the left making him look like a puppy dog.

"Am I missing something?"

"George, you just complimented them," one of the stylists told him quietly.

"Yes? And?"

"You're George Lee, a compliment from you on their music is a big deal to them."

George turned back to the flustered group of boys, who had tried to distract themselves with the live. Suddenly, a giggle - yes he giggled - left his lips and he placed down his noodles before carefully tugging Kai into his body, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Oh my god, you guys love me! That's so cute."

It wasn't long before George had been dragged into the middle of the sofa where the fans could see him as he was pulled into a TxT group hug.

"Oh my god, does this mean I'm the new member of Txt?!" George asked, looking around with hope clouding in his wide eyes.

Beomgyu patted his head, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable and free. A year ago, he wouldn't have even thought about touching George but here he is, patting his head like a dog and George didn't even mind it.

"By the way Beomgyu is patting my head, I'm guessing I have to remain as the cool older brother instead?"

"Let's take out the cool and then you have your answer," Taehyun told him.

George gasped dramtically and flicked Taehyun's forehead. He didn't do it as hard as he would with his own members, he didn't actually want to hurt Taehyun, but the gesture was still enough to make the younger male groan.

"Okay, great so now I'm even being bullied by the babies of the company, okay wow," George scoffed playfully and pushed Yeonjun's head away from him.

From the fans point of view, it was nice to see. None of the boys looked tense or uncomfortable and it was a lovely sight to see them cracking jokes with George.


i live for George and txt chapters, i love writing them so much. i also love seeing bts interact with txt, it's wholesome 🥺 so i read through the requests and have written them down and so, i will get to writing most of them when i can.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— Blue x

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