▹ Face your feelings

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George remembers the day he first ever picked Jungkook up from school. It was 2014, around mid December and a sheet of snow covered the ground like a soft blanket. Usually, it was Jin's role to do drop off, and one of their manager's would do the pick up if they weren't busy.

Believe it or not, George wasn't as outgoing back then and he was still super nervous around the boys, so when Jin approached him asking if he could pick up Jungkook from school as there had been an incident that he wasn't able to attend to, George was quick to comply not wanting to be seen as disrespectful or lazy.

But boy was he nervous. An incident? With sweet little Jungkook? Now, how was he supposed to handle that? Jungkook wasn't all that talkative to start with, still caged in the shell of a young boy separated from his parents at a young age. He and George had grown close for sure, but were they close enough for Jungkook to feel safe being open with him? George had no idea.

"Mr Kim, I assume?" George was greeted right off the back by a smaller woman, looking to be in her mid thirties. She had a red lip and dark brown hair pulled back into a bun with glasses perched on the edge of her nose. George shook his head. "I'm George Lee."

The young lady frowned and retreated back to her desk, pulling out a yellow file and flipping through it until she got to Jungkook. "Repeat your name for me."

"George Lee- or Lee Geun."

"Ah. There you are. I had to confirm for legal purposes." George nodded in understanding. "The issue at hand is nothing behavioural, Jungkook is an outstanding student. However, we've noticed that he seems to be a little down. Today, he had a little breakdown and said he doesn't feel well But we were hoping you could talk to him on the way home."

George nodded. "Of course."

What the fuck was he supposed to say?

The lady flashed a dazzling smile and excused herself to grab Jungkook. The teen emerged from the school a few moments later, and George saw the sullen expression immediately. He ruffled the young boy's hair before thanking the young lady.

Twenty minutes later, the idols polish off a hot drink of cocoa in George's car which had been parked down some secluded side street.

"For someone who claims to be sick, you look fine and dandy drinking pure chocolate."

Jungkook smiled guiltily.

"You miss your parents, right?"

"Was it that hard to tell?"

George shook his head. "No, you're actually quite the actor but it's not hard to put two and two together. You might be a teenager but you're still technically a child. It's not a bad thing for you to feel homesick."

"But the others are away from their families too but they seem fine."

"Just because 'they seem fine' doesn't mean it's not okay for you to not be. The boys have their struggles too, they get homesick. But Jungkook, the difference between you and them is that you left your home when you were barely a teenager."

Jungkook swirled the final bit of hot liquid in his cup, using it as a distraction from facing his feelings. The last thing he wanted to do was start crying in front of George.

Noticing that he wasn't really getting anywhere, George adjusted himself in his seat and let out a small sigh.

"I miss my mum too."

"Your step-mum?"

George shook his head. "No. My biological mum. I never talk about it bevause it feels stupid. How can you miss someone you hardly know? Seems dumb if you ask me, but I do. I miss her, and some nights, I cry about it. Because all I want is for her to hold me, tell me it's going to be okay."

Jungkook finally drank the last bit of hot cocoa, as George continued.

"What I'm getting at is, we're only human. We all miss our parents-even the ones that aren't around. And it's important that we feel that, and we talk about it because bottling it up won't do any of us any good. BTS is your home away from home, Jungkook. We can't help you if you don't tell us, and you can't help yourself if you don't acknowledge the way you're feeling."

Jungkook lowered his eyes to the seat beneath him, playing with the seatbelt. "I don't know how to help it. I just really miss my family. Things have been getting stressful recently, and I'm not used to dealing with so much without my mum by my side."

"Have you called her?"

"Her voice will make me cry, and if I cry then she will worry and I don't want to make her worry."

George's heart warmed, Jeon Jungkook is one selfless guy.

"She might get worried, but through her worries she will calm yours. And that's exactly what you need. Jungkook, trust me. Knowing that you still need her will make her day even if it worries her. Having her baby so far away from her is hard on her too, every mother wants her son to need her. Let her be there for you. And let us be there for you too."

Jungkook nodded. "I'll try, Hyung."

And George was sure he would.

That night, when George entered the kitchen, he saw Jungkook sitting at the table with his phone pressed up against his ear and tear filled eyes. He was smiling.

"I love you, Mum."

George smiled, and quietly backed away from the doorframe, giving the maknae his privacy. He didn't go to bed like he planned, instead, George grabbed his phone and stepped outside.

He dialled a number; one of someone who he hadn't ever been nice to. The only mother he had really ever known.


"Hi, do you um have some time to talk?"

His step-mum sat up in her bed, earning a concerned glance from her husband. She pressed a hand to her chest, and smiled.

"I always have time to talk to you."


i had absolutely no ideas, so i apologize if this one is a little out of the blue and all over the place. i'm still trying to get back into writing, i have missed my ocs so much.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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