▹ I promise

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| This is kind of a dark chapter as it truly does go into depth about some of the things that happened in George's past. There is a brief mention of depression and anxiety as well as dark thoughts, so if you are effected by that then please skip this chapter. 

"Have you ever-"

"Shut up."

"Okay but—"

"Shut up."

"I'm just—"

"George, if you're gonna sleep beside me then you're going to do it quietly. Now shut the fuck up before I literally kick you out of this bed."

George had been having trouble sleeping and of course, a cuddle usually helped him. Normally, he would slide in next to Jimin or occasionally Jungkook but tonight, he wanted Yoongi and he stopped at nothing until he was allowed in that bed.

Turns out, he can be pretty persistent and stood there for at least 15 minutes until Yoongi finally caved and let him in. Then, he wouldn't stop moving around and at one point nearly kicked Yoongi out of the bed.

Sighing, he laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling. It wasn't a cuddle but Yoongi's presence alone managed to calm him and that was good enough.

A twang of guilt hit Yoongi in the chest and as much as he hated it, he could never stay mad at George without feeling somewhat guilty afterwards. So, he rolled onto his side and let out a sigh.

"Tell me what's on your mind?"

He cringed at his own words and contemplated turning back around as if nothing had been said. But George didn't crinkle his nose in disgust like he usually would, instead, he found himself willing to open up which is what shocked Yoongi the most.

George has never been the most open person.

"I'm afraid..."

Yoongi frowned. "Of what? Is there another spider in your room? Is that why you came in here."

"Of everything...."

Oh, that god deep real quick.

Yoongi nodded in understanding. George was about to open up and for that, he remained quiet knowing that it was never easy for George to open up and he liked to go at his own pace.

"When I born, my mother left me and I grew up questioning what was so wrong with me. Why did she leave? What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough? I watched all of the other kids with their parents and mums knowing that they had a mother who loved them. And I didn't. I tried to hide how I really felt about her leaving me, tried to act as though I didn't need her but some days, I just wanted her. I didn't know her but apart of me needed her to hold onto."

George paused to gather his thoughts and Yoongi let him. Holding onto every word that was spoken.

"When I was 15 my dad got a new girlfriend and I won't lie, I was happy for him at first, but then everything became about her and I felt like I was being pushed away. He was my only parent and I felt as though he was leaving me just like she was. I couldn't accept her, afraid that if I did she'd leave me too and she'd take my dad with me and I'd be alone...god, I was so scared of being alone."

By this point, George's lip was quivering.

"She seemed to be staying and I hated it because the more she stayed, the easier it was for me to get attached and I just I couldn't. So, I started to act like I hated her and eventually, I made myself believe that she was the enemy. But whilst pushing her away, I pushed my dad away too and slowly but surely...I was alone and it was the darkest time in my life."

George finally let the tears fall. He was about to get into the darker details, the ones which Yoongi knew about. Already knowing what's coming, Yoongi grabbed onto his hand.

"I slipped into a very bad place. I stopped eating, I stopped sleeping and every night I would lay in bed and I would just prey that I didn't wake up the next morning. All I ever felt was emptiness. I just wanted to feel something and then...I did because she came along."

George squeezed his eyes shut at the memory.

"I fell for her quickly. She made me believe that she had fallen for me too. I was never the popular kid, I was the one that got picked on and she was pretty and way out of my league. I should've known. But we were together for a year, I opened up to her about everything and she was the only person who made me feel something other than loneliness and sadness. She gave me a reason to stay, a reason to wake up every morning. And then. I found out it was all a lie."

George let out a shaky breath. The memory killed him, but he knew it was better for him to continue. He needed to open up, he needed this.

"I ended it with her. She tried to say that she had fallen in love with me, that it only started out as a bet. I refused to believe her and I ended the relationship. That night was the lowest night and that's when I almost gave up entirely. Because everyone left. The next morning as if my life wasn't shitty enough, I got egged by her friends who had the audacity to say that I had broken her heart."

"I bet they're all regretting what they did now. All of them. Because you're into much bigger and better things. You have your ale trending on Twitter for doing as much as drinking a bottle of water, Ariana Grande gave you her number! We've been to the Grammys! And you know what outshines all of that?...you have seven brothers who will never leave your side."

George let out a choked sob and turned to look at Yoongi. It broke his heart to se the younger male in such state. Usually, George was running around with a smile on.

But as they say, the saddest people smile the brightest and George Lee hides his sadness behind a smile everyday.

"What if...what if I go back to that dark place Hyung...I don't think my brain can handle that..."

Yoongi leaned over and engulfed the crying male into a tight hug, closing his eyes as the sobs shook their bodies.

"Then you will never ever go through it alone."

"Do you promise that Hyung?..." George asked in a small voice.

"I promise."

I have been planning to write this for a while, I am running off no sleep — again, but I hope it's good enough.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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