Chapter 2 - Meeting Vixen

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Varian's POV:

I was really excited today. Today was the annual Coronian street market! It was the perfect time for me to get supplies that I think I'm going to need so that I can learn to decipher the Demanitus scrolls. "Are you excited about the street market Varian?", Rapunzel asked me. "Are you kidding me? He's been talking about it for the last week and a half by now, sunshine.", Eugene said, rhetorically. "That's because now, I will be able to get the supplies I need to decipher the Demanitus scroll about the moonstone.", I say back at him. "Well then we might as well split up. We all need to get something, and I doubt that Varian is going to be anywhere that we are going to be if he's getting supplies.", Rapunzel said. "Great idea sunshine!", Eugene said, liking the idea. "Alright, so meet back here in around 45 minutes.", I say. "Sounds great! See you soon Varian.", said Rapunzel, while leaving with Eugene. I looked back down to Ruddiger and said, "You ready buddy?" Ruddiger gave me a happy little chirp as he climbed up on my shoulder. As we got the supplies I needed, Ruddiger saw something that made him go wide eyed and jumped off of my shoulder. I instantly got curious. "What is it Ruddiger?", I asked the shocked raccoon. He pointed in the direction where he was looking. I turned around and saw it. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw a girl, around my age, that was a shadow! A literal shadow! She just bumped into a man, which she then apologized for. "Again, I'm really, very sorry.", she said to him. She was actually, kinda pretty. She had light gray skin, pitch black hair that's down, cloud gray eyes, long black eyelashes, long shadow black gloves, grayish-teal long sleeve top, dark brown steampunk styled corset with silver buttons, long midnight black skirt, silver heart locket, silver and deep black goggles, and black boots. I was looking at her in amazement, curiosity, and infatuation. "Wow.", I whispered in amazement. I went a little closer to the girl. Ruddiger was trying to get my attention, but I wasn't listening. Then I heard something drop. I looked down and saw that it was a book. But not just any book. It was a book full of alchemy notes. She does alchemy?! Like me?! I thought I was the only one in Corona who liked to do it. But then again, I don't think she's from Corona. She saw that she dropped her book. I picked up the book and handed it to her. "Oh, here miss. Let me get that for you.", I said, handing the book to her. Then both looked at each other's eyes for a bit. You know for a shadow girl, she seems kinda - wait, no. Stop Varian! You just met her! You're better than that! "Oh, right. Thank you.", She said to me, blushing a bit. "Oh, it's no problem.", I say back to her, blushing a bit as well. "Are you from around here?", I asked. "Not really. I just came to Corona today.", She answered back. "Oh. Well, in that case, you bumped into the right person. I can show you around if you want.", I say, offering her a tour. She looked a little surprised about something. "Um, sure. That would be amazing. And you're not shocked at the fact that I'm a walking, talking shadow person?", she asked me. Maybe she hasn't really received this much attention since she's a shadow. Man, this girl is interesting. "Well I am a little shocked that you're a shadow, but maybe if I knew your story, it would make more sense. Besides, if there's any kingdom that's mostly involved with weird magical stuff, then Corona would be it.", I say honestly. And I wasn't joking when I say weird magical stuff has been happening. Especially since Cassandra now has the moonstone. And the time about when we did the race. Those skeletons were definitely unexpected. "There you are, Varian!", said a voice behind me. I looked behind me and saw Rapunzel with Eugene and Lance. Then I turned back to the girl, who looked at Rapunzel, wide eyed. "We were looking for you kid. Where have you been?", Eugene asked. "Well, I was going to come back, but then I saw her.", I say back to them, while pointing out the shady girl. She looked back at them shyly and waved a little. "Hello.", she said, a little meekly. Rapunzel, Eugene, and Lance all look at her, wide eyed. "No way. You're a shadow girl.", Rapunzel said, shocked. "Now this is new.", Lance remarked. "Sorry that I seem a little bit taken aback or shy. I'm just not used to having this much attention since I'm a shadow.", she said honestly. And I don't blame her for being like this. "So what are your names?", she asked. Oh, right! I didn't tell her my name! So dumb Varian! "My name's Rapunzel. I'm the princess of Corona. But you don't have to be formal with me. You could just call me Rapunzel or Raps for short.", Rapunzel said. "Ok. I never thought that I would meet a princess. It's kind of cool.", the girl said back. "My name's Eugene. Eugene Ftsterbert. I'm Rapunzel's future fiancé.", said Eugene. "I'm Lance. Lance Strongbow. At your service.", Lance said as he did a goofy bow. The girl giggled a little. I couldn't help but blush a bit. "And I'm Varian. It's nice to meet you.", I said, introducing myself. The girl looked back at me and smiled. "It's nice to meet you all. My name's Vixen.", she said, saying her name. Vixen, huh? That's a really beautiful name to be honest. "Oh, thanks Varian. Your name is kind of cool too.", She said back to me. "Oh, did I say that out loud?", I asked, embarrassed. "You kind of did dude.", Lance said back. I cover my face with my hands. Well, that's just great. "Do you have a place to stay Vixen?", Rapunzel asked. "Not really. I just came to Corona today.", Vixen answered. "Oh, well if you want, you can go back with me to the castle. You can stay there.", Rapunzel offered. "Really? Wow. That's a really generous offer. Thank you.", Vixen said back with gratitude. "It's the least I can do, really. And besides, any new friend of Varian's, is a friend of mine.", Rapunzel said with truth in her voice. As they head back to the castle, I can't help but think to myself. This looks like things just got more interesting.

The Shadow Girl and the Alchemist (Varian x o/c reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن