Chapter 1 - Coming to Corona

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Vixen's POV:
I have been from place to place by now and I still don't know how to have my curse reversed! Honestly, I'm starting to lose hope that I'm ever going to find a cure. But then again, if I hadn't taken the hit, then that poor little girl would be in the same situation I'm in right now. And I wouldn't want her to go through this. But still, it's only a matter of time before I disappear forever. Which would basically mean that I would die. There's only two months and a couple weeks worth of full moons left. I don't have a lot of time. I look down at my map to see where I am right now, and what surprised me is that I've never been to this place before. It was called Corona. Well, that's an interesting name for a kingdom. But, I might be able to stay there for a bit so that I could do some research. Though, on the other hand, it did look interesting. Maybe, it wouldn't hurt to explore around for a little bit. Maybe I can even find some stuff there to help me find answers for a cure. As I went more downtown, I saw that there was some kind of marketplace happening. And I also realized that I was drawing out a lot more attention than what I had anticipated. I mean, I can't blame them. I am a walking, talking shadow person. But, I usually don't get this much attention. I was starting to feel a little uneasy while walking, but it soon went away when I start to hear market dealers start to offer stuff. They were even offering stuff to me. This surprised me a bit. How are they not freaking out about me? That's not what usually happens whenever I'm discovered. Yet, they still offer me stuff. "Would you like a pot? No finer in brass or silver." "Sugar dates! Sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!" "Would you like a necklace? After all, a pretty necklace should be on such a pretty lady." "Fresh fish! We catch them, you buy it!" It was really interesting. There were so many offers. I was so entranced in everything, that I accidentally bumped into someone. Now just because I'm a shadow, doesn't mean I can't make any physical contact. "Oh, excuse me.", I said to the man. When he saw me, he went a little wide eyed. "Oh no, it's ok miss.", he said back to me. I'm surprised. How did he just take my appearance so normally? "Again, I'm really, very sorry.", I say again, smiling nervously as I began to walk away. Well, that was a weird situation to be in. I then heard something fall to the ground. I noticed that it was my notebook. It must of fallen out when I bumped into the person. I was about to pick it up, but then a gloved hand reached down to get it and face it to me. "Here, miss. Let me help you with that.", I heard a voice say. I look up to see a boy, around my age, with raven black hair with a teal stripe, cerulean blue eyes and brass goggles, similar to mine before they became a shadow along with me. He also appeared to be wearing a steampunk style outfit, like if he were an engineer or an inventor or something like that. I didn't realize that I was staring into his eyes for a bit while he was giving me back my notebook. "Oh, thank you.", I said to him, blushing a bit. Wait a minute. Blushing?! I just met him! "Oh, it's no problem.", he said back, blushing a bit as well. "Are you from around here?", he asked me. "Not really. I just came to Corona today.", I responded. "Well, in that case, you bumped into the right person. I can show you around if you want.", he offered, smiling at me. Again, I'm shocked at the fact that he isn't freaking out about my appearance. "Um, sure. That would be amazing. Thank you. And you aren't shocked or surprised by the fact that I'm a walking, taking shadow person?", I ask him. "Well, I am a little shocked that you're a shadow, but maybe if I knew your story, it would make more sense. Besides, if there's any kingdom that's mostly involved with weird magical stuff, then Corona would be it.", he said back to me. I was shocked a bit at this news. Corona has dealt with magical stuff before?! Maybe this is the place! "There you are, Varian!", said a voice from afar. It was a woman's voice. I looked behind the boy, and saw a man with dark brown hair with matching goatee, light brown eyes, white long sleeved shirt, turquoise vest, dark cream colored pants, and brown boots, another man with dark tan skin, deep black beard, light brown eyes, gold earring on his left ear, gold chain around his neck, tanned cream long sleeved shirt with black cuffs and gold buttons, maroon vest, black belt with a giant gold buckle, black pants, and black boots, and a young woman with a royal purple dress, bare feet, emerald green eyes, and extremely long blonde hair that was put in a braid. And when I say extremely long, I mean extremely long hair. No wonder this kingdom has seen a lot. And it also looks like things just gotten interesting.

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