Varian's Laboratory

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Vixen's POV:

Varian and I have been walking around Corona on a tour. And I gotta say, this is a pretty cool kingdom. I've learned about everything. Rapunzel's hair to a woman named Cassandra's betrayal. And I've also learned about the sundrop and moonstone. And how these mysterious black rocks somehow just showed up in Corona. It's really interesting. Maybe I could take some of this down in my alchemy notes. I love to do alchemy. And I was also stunned to know that Varian also loves to do alchemy, since I thought that I was the only one. "Ok. And the last stop would be my laboratory. Over here.", Varian said, showing me the way. "I'm still surprised that someone else besides myself likes alchemy.", I say to him. "I know, I always thought I was the only one. But now with the two of us together, we could get some progress done lots quicker. And, thanks for offering your help, Vixen.", Varian said to me. "No problem. I've got to admit, I'm a little curious about the sundrop and moonstone myself. As well as these mysterious black rocks. Besides, this could help me figure out to reverse my curse.", I say to him as we walked down the stairs to his lab. "I'm still curious as to how you got cursed.", he said with intrigue in his voice. "Uh, I'll probably tell you later. It's a subject that I don't really like to talk about." "Oh, sorry about that. If it makes you feel any better, I know some stuff that I don't like to talk about either." I smiled at him. "Looks like we already have a lot in common than we thought, huh." "Yeah. It looks like we do.", he smiled back as we reached the door. "So, it's only you and Rudigger that are usually down here?", I asked. "Yeah, pretty much. He's like my lab assistant." "That sounds amazing." "Well, it isn't much but, it's certainly very helpful to me.", he opened the door, revealing his lab. I was stunned. This place was so cool! I looked around everything. There were chemicals and inventions everywhere! It was so amazing! "Woah. This place is so....amazing!", I breathed out. "You think so?" "Think so? I know so! I mean, look at this place! Inventions and a chemistry table. It's an alchemist's dream!" "I'm really glad you like it." "Thank you for showing this to me Varian." "Oh, it's no problem Vixen." "Call me Vix." "Ok, Vix." We both then looked into each other's eyes again. My cloud grey into his cerulean blue. I start feeling a bit funny. What is happening? Our moment was unfortunately ruined by Rudigger chirping, to get our attention. "Oh, hey buddy. Didn't see you there.", Varian said before picking up Rudigger. "So actually Vix, I found something that I might need a little help on. Care to take a look?" "Of course! I'll be happy to help!", I reply as I then take out my apron from my satchel and put it on. "Look at these. The Demanitus scrolls!", he said, showing me the parchment he had on the desk. I don't believe it! The Demanitus scrolls! This just went from amazing to incredible in just seconds. But how did he get them? "We found them from an adventure that was a bit more like a race. Don't ask. But here's the catch. We both know that these aren't all the scrolls. There are still a few more scrolls out there. But maybe these scrolls have some kind of clue hidden in them to help us find the others. The only thing is that these scrolls are put into Demanitus' own language, Demanitian. But I can't seem to translate it. Thank you can?" "I'll give it a try.", I say as I pulled down my goggles to make the handwriting more magnified. I looked down at the scroll and wrote what I saw, or from what I could translate. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard. It was actually rather....easy. "Do you know what it says?" "Yeah. It says some information about the sundrop and moonstone. And there's also some type of riddle attached to it. Classic Demanitus." "Wait a minute. You know how to read Demanitian?", he asked me, shocked. And I don't blame him. I'm a little shocked too. I didn't know that I could read Demanitian. "It looks like it. I didn't know that I could though. I've never read anything Demanitian before." "Really? Wow. Maybe it's some kind of hidden talent that you have. And I gotta say, it's really awesome." "Thanks Varian.", I blushed a bit. I normally never received any praise for my work back in Arendelsia. They all would think that it was strange. Even my parents thought it was strange right before they....well I think you kinda get the picture. I don't really like to talk about my parents unless someone's curious. No doubt Lance would be. The guy is curious about everything. "So what does the riddle say?" "It says 'When you find these scrolls look for the rest. Think of this as an honorary test. To find the next few scrolls, the location is queer. Go to the caverns where water comes to land so near.' Where water comes to land? Like a dock?", I ask him as I pulled my goggles from my eyes and onto my forehead. "Possibly. But it also said caverns. Maybe there are some underground caverns that run underneath the docks.", Varian theorized. "That could be. We should ask Rapunzel if there are any caverns near the docks. C'mon.", I said to him as we both went in search for Rapunzel. It looks like we have some scrolls to find.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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