Part 2

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The sky was dark, the moon sitting brightly in the sky. Cars whiz by slowly as Bakugou trots along the sidewalk making his way back to the dorms. His tail swings slowly and his ears perk and twist to all of the noise around him. At one point, a little kid with an ice cream in one hand and his mother's palm in the other stares wide-eyed at Bakugous new appendages. Bakugou glares at the kid, who looks no older than seven, until the kid turns his head back to his mother.

All Bakugou can think about is how he is going to get back to his room without anyone noticing. The common room will be the most difficult part. He has to hope everyone has gone back to their rooms this late into the night. The next hurdle is getting past Kirishima's room. Bakugou never told him he would be out, mostly because he didn't think he would be gon long. He would have been back in the dorms had he not gone to see what the two ladies were doing. Will Kirishima be waiting for him to get back? Will he want help with his homework? Heck, he doesn't really mind if Kirishima sees, he's mainly worried about getting through the common room.

Having arrived back at the dorms, he opens the door, not noticing anyone straight away. He closes the door behind him and does his best to walk quickly towards the elevator, deciding dinner would be too much of a hassle with trying to stay hidden.

As he turns the corner to where the elevators are, just past the sitting area, he notices a group of people watching a movie on the television. The couches are faced away from him, so all he has to do is get passed the couches. He might have to use the stairs because the elevator may take too long. He looks at Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Kirishima, all of whom are heavily consumed by whatever fake ass horror movie they have playing.

If he's not able to get passed them, he could just go back outside and use his explosions to blast himself up to his dorm room. He decided he'll just tiptoe past them, figuring he could get in trouble with Mr. Aizawa for using his quirk, especially this late.

Deciding to just go past the group, he speed walks quietly in the direction of the elevator and stairs. Its almost as if Kirishima has some sort of Bakugou monitor in his head, because just as he is about to pass them, Kirishima turns from his spot on the couch next to Kaminari, looking to Bakugou with that blinding shark grin of his.

"Hey, Bakubro! I hadn't realized you were going out! Where were yo-" Bakugou freezes, his tail and ears going stiff as Kirishima cuts himself off. At this point, Mina has paused the movie, and the whole group is looking right at him.

"Bro," Kaminari starts, mouth open wide enough to catch flies. " What happened to you?"

Bakugou growls. "I got hit by a stupid quirk." His ears twitch and his tail swishes once firmly behind him before settling, hanging between his legs relaxed.

"OH MY GOSH!" Mina squeals excitedly, making Bakugou lift his hands to cover his wolf ears. "You're so cute! How long is this going to last?" She gets up from the couch to jump in front of him giddily.

Bakugou drops his hands tentatively, as if waiting for another outburst before answering. "The girl said it should last between one and two weeks, and for the love of all things human, stop squealing. You are going to burst my eardrums."

A look of realization comes across Sero's face. "Dude! Do you have some sort of wolf hearing?"

Bakugou drags his hand down his face. "Yes, my senses are similar to a wolf. I can hear, see, and smell better than before. I haven't tried out taste yet, but I assume that has also improved.

As Bakugou talks, Kirishima watches his mouth, noticing a difference in his teeth. "Whoa, Bakubro! Did you realize you have fangs?"

Bakugou reaches up and feels his canine teeth. As he presses on one of them, he feels a sharp prick and brings his pointer finger down to see it has a small drop of blood. He guesses he does have fangs.

You turned me into a WHAT? (KIRIBAKU)Where stories live. Discover now