Part 7

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Surprise and hello again! I gift you a small update. Also, a huge thank you to @TooMinty  for commenting on all of the chapters! It really made my day and I just wanted to say thank you! 

Have fun reading!😊🥰


'Bakugou walks back over to Kirishima's side and studies the things he has in his grip. He sniffs them lightly before nodding to himself and holding them up to Kirishima as if he's presenting them. Kirishima looks confused for a moment but decides the best thing is to nod and grin. He must've done something right because the blonde pulls the fabrics back to his chest and looks quite pleased with himself.

"Okay!" Kaminari shouts, interrupting whatever had been happening. "My room next, let's go!" Kaminari skips out of Mina's room and heads towards his own. The rest of the group follows close behind, Bakugou sticking as close to Kirishima as possible.'


When they arrive at Denki's door, Kaminari turns around to look everyone in the eyes. He reaches behind him to place his hand on the knob and with a theatrical look on his face, he slams the door open. "Welcome to my humble abode, everyone!"

Mina and Sero look at each other and snort at the dramatic gesture, pushing their way past Kaminari's outstretched hands.

Letting go of Kirishima, Bakugou hands his stuff from Mina's room to the red-head and cautiously steps away from his "alpha" and into the other blonde's room. He sniffs the air and wanders around the small space before his eyes land on the electricity user's bed. He sees a pale yellow body pillow and darts over to grab it, shoving it in his face. He turns around to look at Kaminari with an expectant grin where there would usually be an angry scowl.

"Yea, bro!" Kaminari laughs. "You can totally borrow that for your nest! I think I have something else you may want." He walks over to his dresser and pulls out a well-worn black and yellow Pikachu sweatshirt that the group sees him wear at least once a week.

Bakugou grabs the offered item out of Kaminari's hands and gives it a quick sniff. Seemingly satisfied, he hands the sweatshirt out to Kirishima and clutches the body pillow tightly in his arms. He puts himself right back at Kirishima's side, obviously ready to continue to the next room. They move on to Sero's room and Bakugou leaves with two blankets, a pillow, and a shirt.

Finally getting to their last stop of Kirishima's, Shoji's, and Bakugou's shared floor, the group figures that they can get Bakugou settled before Kirishima goes to grab a few items from his own room as additions to Bakugou's nest.

Bakugou rarely locks his room unless he actually wants to be left alone, but it's not like he really needed to anyways. Most people stayed clear of the entire floor.

"Woah," Mina whispers as she looks around Bakugou's room. The group, apart from Kirishima, had never gotten to take a good look at the fiery blonde's room, mainly because they were never actually in it. Whenever the group got to spend the occasional amount of time with Bakugou, the boy insisted that their breaks together were never to be in his room.

The room itself was spotless and it was obvious that Bakugou had everything organized in a specific way. His bed was tucked into the top right corner and the plain black bedsheets were crisp. Next to that was a small nightstand with a lamp and a book sitting on its surface, standing at the wall across from the foot of his bed was an oak-colored dresser. On the left wall sat a desk and a door which they were positive led to his bathroom. The only items on the desk were a couple of All Might figurines and above the desk, there was a floating shelf with a few books, mangas, and textbooks.

In other words, the room looked too clean for a teenager to be habiting it, despite their future pro-hero status.

"Does he actually even live in here?" Kaminari asks, eyes wide.

"You know he does," Sero responds equally shocked, but really, knowing Bakugou, they should have expected that his room would look this well-kept. It was just Bakugou. "Whenever he isn't in class, out training, eating, or talking with us, he is in his room."

"What does he even do in here?" Mina wonders aloud.

Finally speaking up, Kirishima answers her easily. "You know what he does, usually it's studying or some type of workout, but when he is alone in his room, he can just relax. Bakugou can just let himself be." He makes a gesture with his hands. "Now I'm not saying that he isn't his full Blasty self around us, but, sometimes he reads or sketches or does something that just lets him breathe."

Kirishima has a warm smile on his face when he looks at Bakugou who hasn't moved from the redhead's side. That being said, he doesn't seem too engaged in the conversation that is being had about him.

"I had no idea that he sketched. It makes me wonder... Just how much does Blasty actually let us see?" Kaminari lets out quietly.

"Don't tell him that I told you guys, but sometimes when I'm doing homework Bakugou will come in and either talk to me, draw in his notebook, or, guys, he sometimes sleeps. He'll just come in, lay down, and tell me to shut up. The next thing I know, he's out cold!" Kirishima admits.

"We all know that he likes you the most. You're his favorite and he trusts you." Sero says simply.

The room falls into silence, but it's not an awkward or heavy type of quiet. Everyone just seems to be in their own heads. That is until Bakugou begins to whine in and paw at Kirishima's shirt.

"Oh, shit. Whoops." Kirishima brings his hand up to rub at the back of his neck as a guilty expression falls over his face. "Sorry, bro. Let's get your nest set up for you, yea?"

As an answer, Bakugou grabs Kirishima's wrist and pulls him further into the room. Kirishima motions for Mina, Sero, and Kaminari to leave and whispers a quiet "Bye," as they walk into the hallway and close the door behind themselves.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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