Chapter 17

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So here is another update! Whoohoo same day two updates ^^
Anyway I don't anything but the story and I hope you enjoy!
Onward to the story!
While Jeff was patching you up you heard the down stairs door open and shut followed by a scream. Jeff finishes up and picks you up bridal style to take you down stairs.
"I can walk ya know" you complained.
"Oh shut up. It needs to heal and you walkin on it ain't gonna do anything but making it worse" Jeff snapped back. You mumbled a fine and let him carry you down stairs.
You saw Julie just staring at all the blood in the living room with a horrified gaze. She looked up and when she saw you she ran towards you with tears in her eyes.
"I thought this was yours" she wailed then looked at Jeff with murderous intent and with a low voice said,"is this your doing?"
"No! Of course not! She's lucky I came and stopped her from dying." Jeff retorted.
"I'll believe you since you /are/ carrying her and seem to be helping her," she said thoughtfully.
Jeff just sighed and then gently placed you on to the couch. Julie looked at him expectantly.
"What?" He asked confused as to why she is looking at him like that.
"Well obviously you need to clean up all this blood! You know how /hard/ it is to get out blood stains and since you /are/ a serial killer you MUST be an expert at it," Julie said with authority. Jeff looked taken aback at this.
"But why do /I/ have to do it?" He asked.
"Because it will be greatly appreciated and I will make you food if you do" she replied.
"Fine but only for the food... so where is the cleaning supplies?"
"Good!" She claps her hands I'm happiness" they're in the kitchen, left cabinet, next to the fridge~"
He walked off to get the supplies. You looked at Julie and asked, "so what are you cooking?"
"Hmmm I don't know.... how about... (fav/food)?" She suggested.
"Oh great that's my favorite!!!" You exclaimed face full of excitement.
Jeff came back in with a bucket full of cleaning supplies and gloves on. he sighed and started to clean up the mess. He looked back at you and Julie and grumbled something.
"What was that?" Julie asked.
"Aren't yah supposed to be cooking?" He responded agitated.
"Oh right! Alright time to cook~" She said as she walked into the kitchen.
So you spent the time on tumblr as you waited for the food to be cooked and for Jeff to finish cleaning.
Okay so that's the second update I hope you all enjoyed it!!!! And so comment your thoughts please it's always welcomed ^^ and remember you're beautiful so smile~!

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