Chapter One

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The sky a painted masterpiece of reds, oranges and yellow as I walk, I haven’t slept. I couldn’t not without seeing her, my joy in this world… but that’s when disaster struck as I was thrown from the earth towards the sky before gravity interfered and pain was awoken within my entire right side. It felt as if hours had passed before my strength began to diminish and it wasn’t long before the world went black… Forever!

                *                   *                     *

“Rose Hagne!” someone yelled bolting me from my seat before almost abruptly responding with something made-up. But there right in front of me was Miss Agatha;  her fluffy short blond hair and fat lips producing a shriek that could silence anyone but this time was meant for me with just one word… “DETENTION!”

My life has always been known for trouble, while also being known for being the one and only crazy girl. But with this there are no choices for me anymore, as both teachers and students treated me the same. But due to the continuous fact that I always get detentions for no apparent reason the library started ordering in more and more books to keep me learning and enjoying at least one thing within my schooling lifestyle. Anyways my favourite genre being Greek Mythology, helped the continuous reach for these books easy as from the age  I could hold a book and read it all by myself, its all I could ever  read!

“Rose…” someone yelled from  the opposite end of the quad. It was Rachel, her mid-length blonde hair flowing out behind her as she ran towards the collection of trees, where I sat leaning again one. But as she neared closer I could see the sadness echoing in her eyes, something was wrong… Very Wrong!

“Rose… that guy, the one you thought you saw… the one with the cuts ddown… his entire right side of his bbody… Iii… know who it isss…” slowly sitting down opposite me, she begins to cry again while her hands play with the grass at her feet. Who, who, who that was all that echoed through my mind as I sat there studying her, she was miserable.

“Rachel, who was it?”  my book now discarded laying forgotten on the ground between us, while  questions filter through my mind; who was he? What happened to him?...

“Iiittt’sss Jjjoey Fffisher; he got hit by a car  before sunrise walking home from a place  unknown to everyone. But he had… massive scars down… his entire right side… Hhheee’sss Dddead Rose, He’s DEAD!” letting out a cry escape her as nobody had ever known the unexpected truth  about Rach’s crush on Joey Fisher and this was since fifth grade to make matters worse!

“It’s ok Rach” I say searching the sun burnt grounds around us for any unwanted watching eyes, but everyone was in small clumps crying. Everyone knew! That’s when I noticed someone standing by themselves but they were dressed too formal to be a student… except for the fact that they once were. Joey Fisher was standing within the misery stricken faces observing everything from a distance or at least he was until he saw me starring. And like that he was in front of me…

“Joey?” I asked studying his face there was something deep within his  eyes I could see wonder as he suddenly noticed the stirring soul of Rach still crying longing for the soul in front of us.

“It’s Rose, isn’t it? And how can you see me?” He asked confused watching me before his eyes dropped back to Rachel with something hidden within his  features.

“Yes, I can see you!” I responded in a neutral voice that made Rachel look up at me with a look of shock strong in my face as I turned back to her with a look that show nothing but truth.

“Hhhee’sss here… isn’t he?” she stuttered, looking around us and obviously finding nothing. She knew about my gift, she was the only one who knew, everyone else just knew I was unusually weird.

“Yeah Rach he’s here!” I say giving her a hug before pointing her in the direction of where Joey stood watching her. Something had been buried within his clear blue-grey eyes and was starting to appear; a longing so strong for something he no longer had any reach over.

“Please, please stop her tears; it’s too much for me. I never wanted to cause her grief...” he mumbled kneeling in front of her slowly before reaching towards her to caress her face in comfort…but it wasn’t until  Rach’s eyes went huge in shock, and  she let out a sigh, that it all finally made sense.

“Joey…” he looked up slowly pain and love strong in his eyes, oh my gosh I know where he was… “Joey, were you at Rach’s house last night?”

The look of shock as realisation hit from both of their faces, aroused more questions but before either could begin to answer…  a flicker of colour and darkness caught my eye and worst of all it was surrounding Joey. Something was happening…

“Joey, what’s going on?” I exclaim not realising that I had let   fear into my voice which in turn had been very bad for Rach.  He didn’t know and glanced between us both, that’s  when I started to see the flickers of colours and darkness grow as it tried to locate its prey flying through the air around him… he had only moments left before he would never see us again.

“Rach, quickly tell him. He has moments left, the death takers are circling him” I rush to her, she had less than five minutes before they would claim him and he would never know the truth.

“Joey…” that all she had time to say as her words and air were suddenly ripped from her mouth and Joey hungrily kissed her, Rach returning the hunger she didn’t want him to leave ever. But before they could say goodbye the darkness began to shape… and I knew, I must hide as being able to see the dead came at a cost. And just as I reached behind the closest tree, I saw the shape of a black suit emerge from within one of the death takers.

I could see his face but there was something off about him, I knew him yet, I didn’t know him!

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