Lot's of questions but not many answers

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A door slammed open and Arianthe heard several feet enter the room which was suddenly filled with a yellow light, she shuffled further underneath the bed and tried to ignore the cluster of spiders near her feet.
"Good afternoon, Eustace," she heard the woman say "you are a little late if I may say so."
"You may not say so. If it were up to me you would not be getting any food at all." she heard her father reply angrily.
What was her father doing down here? And how did he know this woman?
She heard someone walk close to her hiding spot, a pair of leather boots stood just a few inches from her left hand. Stealing a glance to see who it was she nearly gasped with surprise; it was Sir Denver. What was he doing here?
She turned her attention back to her father and the portrait.
"Is the little princess comfortable now?" he was sneering.
"When I return to my rightful place as queen you will regret this." snapped the woman in the portrait.
"Oh really?" smirked the king "nobody knows you're down here, stupid woman, so you can give up all hope of being rescued."
"I demand that you release me now or you shall indeed regret this." persisted the woman.
"Oh please, Kassandra, give it up."
Kassandra? Why did that name ring a bell? Arianthe didn't know anyone called Kassandra but somehow that name was just so familiar.
But before she had any time to dwell on the matter someone burst in, it was Clarke.
"My Liege," he cried "I cannot find Princess Arianthe anywhere! She has been missing for hours and no one has seen her."
"Clarke, you fool!" thundered the king he grabbed him by the arm and marched him out of another door to the one Arianthe had come in. "Not in here!"
The guards followed him out, Sir Denver shut the door behind them.
Arianthe waited a few seconds and then came out from under the bed.
"Sounds like they're looking for you, dearie." said Kassandra from her portrait.
"What did you mean, when you are Queen? Who are you?" questioned the girl.
"There is no time to answer questions now, child. Get out of here before they realise you've seen me!" exclaimed Kassandra.
"I'll come back." promised Arianthe.
"Do not come back, it is not safe." she was cautioned.
"I don't care, I need to know about you."
"It is better if you don't. Goodbye, Arianthe."
The Princess turned and sprinted back up the corridor, up the stairs, back through the other corridor, out of the double doors and back into her chambers.
Not knowing quite how she managed it without being caught she sat panting on her bed.
Laying her head on the satin pillow thousands of thoughts wizzed around her mind. Who was that woman? How did her father know her? Why was she in a portrait? Why had her father tried to keep her a secret? And what would they do if she was found out?

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