The Forbidden Staircase

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Arianthe wasn't new to being alone. In reality she liked it. It gave her more time to think and be herself as well as discovering more about her home in the castle. Despite being nearly seventeen years old, Arianthe had not yet discovered every bit of the castle; partly because she wasn't able to sneak around without being seen by servants, but mainly because half of the castle was out of bounds to her as well.
However on this particular day Arianthe was feeling more curious than usual; her lessons had taken less time than normal and she was restless.
Checking to see that no one was around, she left her chambers and went up the staircase she wasn't allowed to go up. The banister felt cold against her hand as she went up and she couldn't help her feet clattering against the stone. If she were to be caught she'd been in big trouble; her father had impressed upon her how forbidden this part of the castle was and she'd be greatly punished if she was caught. She glanced over her shoulder. Was anyone there? No. Good.
Stealthily like a cat she crept up the forbidden staircase until she came to a set of closed double doors. Putting her ear against it she strained to hear whether anyone was there.
Suddenly she heard voices coming from the other side of the door.
"Well then let's go down."
"Won't the Princess realise she's up here?
"No she never comes up here; she's not allowed"
What did they mean? Who was up there?
Footsteps were suddenly approaching and any second she was going to be discovered.
Desperately Arianthe stared wildly around for an escape; being caught was not an option.

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