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btw this chapter is very sweet and u'll get to know CALUM better to make up for that lack of update and i recommend u to re-read the previous chapter so u dont get confused :)))



I tucked myself inside my bed still left confused on Calum's behavior. My brown hair was tickling and I stuggled to get it inside a ponytail, hitting my head on the wall and releasing a loud sigh as I sat down, giving up on the act of sleeping.

My mind was a confusing place. I tended to overthink, to go through all the "what ifs" and "i shouldves", to
revise all my actions and somehow find always faults on which I was the one to blame.

And this happened mostly at night.

That night although I wasnt thinking about me. The only person actually running inside it was Calum. He was stuck in my head, all of him. But that day in special. The reason he had acted like that with Layla.

I always wondered the reason why Calum would act like he did. He was so unpredictable on every word that slipt out of his mouth, on every move. The way his mind worked was so fascinating and contagious. He was so different from everybody else there. And I dont mean this in a - oh hes such a perfect better looking than all boys character of some classic love story - way. He didnt fit in, his thoughts collided with everyone elses. People always mistaken it with negativity, but it was far from that. I was the only one who actually understood him, or at least I tried.

Calum often said that " relashionships are made by time " . Which we didnt have since our seconds were monotorized till we meet our love which could well be someone we had never spent a second with before. No one really got to that around here. You see, our reality in life, is to meet our soulmate. Is to spend years of our lives waiting for it and if it "didnt mattet that much" why would we have clock? Why would we spend time involved in the anxious reality of romantic pursuit for someone?

But Calum never really fell into that cliché, love at first sight, romantic tragidies. He always saw life as bigger than that. He thought that his purpose in life was to do something different than that. And maybe he was right.

I blinked as I glared outside the white framed window and saw all the way from my backyard Calum's light turning off. I sighed and turned myself, laying my head on the pillow, attempting to rest. My phone buzzed and as I unlocked it, I groaned and close my eyes due the brightness of the screen. It was 02:10am. I slide my finger to find a text from Calum.

open ur window i know ur awake and i cant sleep with u pissed at me :-(

I avoid the urge to smile and reminded myself of the reason of me being mad. To be honest I had forgot about Layla as soon as I got into my house but the way back home from the mall was filled with tension. I just needed to talk to him.

I moved myself out of the bed and slided the window up, catching some cold rain drops in my hand as they fell from the glass and I looked down, finding Calum smilling at me.

I closed it and got on a pair of black leggins under my loose white tshirt. I openned the door slowly and I tried to go downstairs without making noise, but failed as the stairs' wood crambled beneath my feet. In quick pair of movements I got out of the house through the back door, beating agaisnt Calum who stood still in front of it, stuck in a grey sweater and adidas black shorts that ended on his knees. Our eyes crossed and he flashed me his apologizing smile that I returned as I rubbed my puffy eyes.

"hey sorry about that burst with Layla on the mall. I know shes your friend and yea, she just pisses me off." I coughed "Sorry." Calum repeated, chuckling and rubbing his neck looking me up.

"Its fine Calum." I said giving him my usual chuckle

"C'mon just hug me let's get this over with." He said in a husky voice and openned his arms as I walked to his chest and burried my head, letting him wrap them around my body. The hug seemed to last a bit longer than the usual but I shock the thought that it might've been on purpose out of my head.

"Do you wanna come upstairs? Its cold here."

He shrugged "Yea, its not like I can sleep anyway."

We moved fast and entered my room noiseless, him closing the door as I sat on my bed and he bending in my desk, switching his weight from toe to toe and balancing his head around as if in search for something. We stood in silence a while as I admired his slow movements and his focused expresion as he examined irrelevant items from the desk. I liked that silence was confortable with him although I knew he hated it. Calum is calm but he likes noise. He likes crowded spaces, loud music, busy streets. I guess, someway, he related to them, to his mind.

"Why can't you sleep?" I asked

"I don't know really, I just can't. Whatever it's no big deal." He got up "And you?"

"I just woke up pretty late, I guess I'm not tired." I lied and faked a smile.

He walked to my bed and signed me to move to side so he could a fit next to me, laying my head on his chest, his back pressed agaisnt the wall. "Now tell me really why weren't you sleeping."

My gazed moved focusing his dark eyes who stared into mine as I felt his arm muscles tighten up agaisnt my skin. "I wasn-"

He chuckled "Just say it April."

I groaned and crossed my arms over my chest, creating a space between our bodies. "Fine Calum."

He had a stupid full-on smile planted on his face and I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I hesitated.

"What the hell was keeping you up, is it so f-"

"You, ok?"

And for a moment, he created the silence of which he hated.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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