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➳   Calum


Fuck, I'm late.

I rubbed my temples.

April waiting at the mall with Layla as I stood in the train station.

I didn't like to make her wait, though I knew she would say "it's fine", even she waited for an hour as it happened before.

I liked that about her.

I never really deserved to be her friend. All of her kindness was always payed back with sarcasm and asshole attitudes I always had. I tried to be a better person for her. But at the same time I knew she, somehow, liked me like this.

I placed my headphones, feeling then hugging my ears and starting to play a green day song.

As I looked over, I saw a red haired girl staring at me and giggling.

Here we go again.

I laughed to myself shaking my head reminding how often this things happenned. I wasn't much to look at. My dark hair was always a mess from rubbing it so much, and my eyes were brown as most people's. I was skinny tough I ate, and my clothes were always kinda dark.

How would that make me attractive to someone?

I half smiled at her just as when I left the train, jumping to the station platform.

I walked through the mall corridors and found them in a shoe shop, Layla trying on a amount of shoes she could never afford and April sitting next to her.

I touched April's arm from behind, hearing her laugh and mumbling 'Calum' without even looking at me.

"Look who finally decided to show up."

I hated Layla.

Her name and her personality were so contraditorial. Layla is a name of a sweet girl, not a someone who spends her day at starbucks reading tabloids about the life of the royal family and all tv show she watches is the kardashians.

"My train was late."

Layla turned her head to face me passing her bleached hair through her hands as she chew her gum making me roll my eyes.

"Sure it was."

We got off the store after a while and wandered in the mall. It wasn't a activity I appreciated doing but then again, the only way to be with April.

"I'm surprised you and your soul mate didn't come shopping together uh?" I teased her

"My Blake is busy today."


"Shut up Calum. You're so fucking negative all the time."

"I don't believe in all that soul mate bullshit. That's not negativity, its being realistic." I threw my hands in the hair almost hitting April that stood still, suddently without the familiar smile on her face.

"Why would you not?"

"That doesn't exist, okay? No one can fall in love with someome just because a clock said so. You can't ignore each other and then out of a sudden become each other's reason to breathe. Relashionships are built by time, not impulses."

"You're just jealous you haven't find yours, like Blake found me." She finally answered

"I'd rather not ev.."

April's honey eyes glanced at me, making me almost shove my sweater paw inside my mouth so I could stop talking.


"you can cut the tension with a knife, in here"

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