Chapter 7

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"It's- " Xylo tried to say but failed, when someone came behind him and hit him over the head. "The King didn't give you permission to speak..." said the figure. The campers looked where Xylo was and the figure that was on top of him with their foot on his back. The figure on top of Xylo was-

"Zini!?" Yelled Kaykrea.
The figure which is now known as Zini looked up. "That's correct~" said Zini with a sly smirk. "Why did you do this!?" Yelled River with a scared expression. "Because... the Kings Queen, deserves the best" said Zini still holding an Evil smirk. "Who even is the Queen?!" Yelled Kaykrea. "You'll find out soon, speaking of my queen... Zini! Get my Queen ready!" Yelled the "King". Zini stood up then Bowed and teleported away.

Less then 30 seconds passed when Zini returned. "Come to me" said The "King", holding a hand out to-

To be continued

King and Queen of Camp OasisWhere stories live. Discover now