Chapter 6

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-2 days later-
Bryan's pupil color changed to a magenta heart. The campers are starting to realize what's happening...

    Bryan is one of the one's that's under this "Kings" control. But we still don't know who the other one is. They tried and tried to find the other but nothing...

All the campers from the Greek side were gathered around and talking except for Bryan and Zini was away from the group since they don't like Bryan.

The sun was about to set when the earth began to shake and crack open. The campers were shocked when 4 Titans and a hooded figure appeared. They expected that the Titans would go berserk but they were still like they were soldiers awaiting orders. Xylo stepped forward with his sword in his hand holding it in a defensive stance. "Hello there Campers..." said the hooded figure, the voice sounded like a strong and powerful masculine voice. "What Do You Want!" yelled Xylo holding his sword against the figure's throat. The figure chuckled and used two fingers to move Xylos Sword. "Why I'm here to rule over this universe," said the figure. "Why?!" yelled River. "I'm doing this because my Queen deserves the universe," said the figure again, you can't see their voice put you can hear the Smirk in their voice. Some of the campers shared the same look. Then Kaykrea stepped forward and asked, "Who is your Queen".
The figure smirked thinking that they should make their answer a riddle. "An angel in disguise, A person who is worth all things, A hard past, Wished for the universe, a wish that I shall grant," said the figure with a smile in their voice. The campers we're confused about who it is until Xylo figured it out. "It!-" said Xylo before he was cut off by the author to add a cliffhanger.

King and Queen of Camp OasisWhere stories live. Discover now