Depressed {Gary x Jimmy}

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Jimmy's POV
In the Dorms


It had been one of those days. At least, for me it was one of those days. To tell the world to shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone. Today wasn't my day. I didn't feel to good.
The teachers noticed and were surprised that I was quiet during class, and immediately knew what was up.

Earlier in art class, Gary and Pete were just saying shit to each other back and forth, but for me, I stayed quiet and played with the paint. I felt sluggish and didn't feel like myself today. Usually I'd throw paint in Gary's direction, paint something inappropriate, cuss loud, or something to keep me entertained. I didn't do any of that.
Of course, Gary noticed. And so did Pete. Gary frowned at Jimmy and poked him with a paintbrush.
"Aww, what's wrong with Jimbo? Forget to jerk off this morning?"
"Shut up."
I mumbled annoyingly while keeping the annoyed face on. I just didn't feel okay. I didn't feel like myself. Which wasn't usually me. I did think about how cool a normal family would be, if my dad actually stayed with us, instead of going away. Now I have a mom who gets a divorce and gets married for the 4th time and gets-
A sound of wood snapping was heard, I stared down my paintbrush, seeing it in half. I could feel eyes on me as I threw down the paintbrush, and walked out the art room. I could feel my anger growing. I needed to punch something. I need to let out this anger. I wanted to yell. I hate this place.

That's how I ended up in my dorm room. The need to yell left me. But the need to punch something didn't leave. The anger still in me. I didn't want to punch the wall, knowing I'll have to pay for it. My eyes spotted the wooden wardrobe. I'm pretty sure no ones here, right? No one will hear me. I stood up and faced the wooden wardrobe. I closed my eyes and imagine the way my mother brought all those men in the house. How she would ignore me, how I didn't have a normal childhood. How my old man would hit me for no reason. I pictured that I would meet him one day. And beat the shit outta him for leaving us and abusing me.

When I opened my eyes, my knuckles were bloody and my eyes were tearing up.
"What the..."
I felt my tears run down, but I just wiped them away.
"Jimbo! Where you at?"
"Damn it."
I mumbled to myself while wiping away the last of the tears and laying on my bed, an arm covering my eyes.
"Leave me alone Gary."
"That's no way to treat your friend, bud."
Gary kicked my door open and I sat up, a little surprised.
"What the hell Gary?! Don't you know how to knock or personal space?!"
I shouted while laying back down, covering my eyes with my arm.
"Nope! Now, tell me why you're acting weird?"
"Ugh. Nothing. Where's Pete?"
"Still in class. Quit avoiding the question Jimbo."
"I'm not avoiding the damn question. Just leave me alone-"
"You're still avoiding the question- what the hell?"
Gary noticed Jimmy's knuckles were bleeding, which Jimmy hid them.
"The hell happened to you? Did you get into another fight you psycho?"
"Guess you could say that."
I replied while taking a small peak at Gary. He was looking straight ahead. He also looked lost in thought. This was a little awkward. Usually to keep us entrained was Pete getting called names and me telling Gary to knock it off.
"You coming back to class or what?"
"Who's gonna make me? I already made a scene. I don't want to deal with it right now."
"C'mon Hopkins-"
"I said I'm NOT going back there."
Jimmy said while turning away from Gary and looking at the wall with a rock band poster. How much he would spend to go to that concert.
"ARGH! Look, I want to be alone. I'm just pissed off!"
I say while jumping out of the bed and walked out my room, only to be stopped by Gary. He held onto Jimmy's wrist.
"Let go damn it-"
Next thing you know, Gary was holding both of my wrists, pinning me against the wall.
"C'mon man, let go-"
"Listen to me."
"Or what?! What are you-"
I was shushed when Gary's slightly chapped lips pressed against mine. I couldn't move. I didn't kiss back. I'm getting mixed emotions.
I couldn't handle it.
His grip loosened and I pushed him away, holding my mouth.
Oh god.

Am I gay?

Does kissing a guy make me gay?

I'm having mixed emotions. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Just a little bit.
"What... What?"
"Sheesh, is that all you ever say?"
Gary asked playfully while smirking a bit. I felt my cheeks burn up just a little bit. God, I'm probably making myself look like an idiot!
"Look Jimmy. I've been liking you for a while now. And I couldn't help but feel the urge to do something. I like you. More than like."
"Can you get anymore cheesier??"
Gary chuckled and pushed me up against the wall again.
"You can be a pain in the ass."
"Says the one who likes me."
I mocked and Gary smirked a bit, leaning closer.
"Give up the tough guy act, pal."
I slightly huffed a chuckle.
"Gimme a break, loser."
They once again locked lips, but this time, it was a bit more heated. Before they could go further, the bell rang and they both paused, letting out a breathy chuckles.
"Before we get caught making out, let's go find Pete. Don't want to find him in a dumpster again."
Gary chuckled a bit.
"Yeah, last time he stunk. Who throws away a good bottle of wine?"
"Probably Galloway and his drinking."
They both share a laugh and headed out. Guess I am gay.


Hope you guys enjoyed!! It wasn't good, but I tried! Have a nice day!!

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