Gary x Jimmy Headcannons

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Headcannons cause it's been a long ass time since I've written in this damn book lmao

-As many of you know, Gary has ADD and hates taking his medication! Jimmy however, always reminds him to take them all the time, sometimes even forces him to take it, or hides it in his drink or food. A lot of the times though, Gary is stubborn and knows it's in his drink or food. Jimmy practically begs him, to which Gary gives in and takes them.

-Gary get so fucking jealous whenever Jimmy hangs out with the greasers or the preppies. Mostly because he's a bit insecure about himself and thinks Jimmy doesn't like him as much. Jimmy always reassures him and calls him an idiot for thinking that. Gary despises them, and will do anything for Jimmy, even if he has to fight them one by one. Gary does get angry often if Jimmy doesn't include him in his plans. So they work together.

-Jimmy isn't used to dating anyone, shit, he only flirts with girls at the dorm for fun. With Gary, it's just so different with him. Cause he's actually dating him. This dude doesn't know how to show affection because he rarely got it as a kid. On the other hand, Gary tries to show it. It's hard for the both of them, but they try.

-They both don't like PDA (Public Display of Affection). They would rather kiss indoors where no one won't see them, it gives them privacy.

-Jimmy get into fights. A lot. Sometimes it worries the hell outta Gary. Imagine just having a normal day, then boom, cuts, bruises, and a bloody nose. Jimmy would sometimes stumble into his room and say the most normal shit.
"Hey Gary, you hungry?"
"The fuck- Did you get into another fight you psycho?!"
They would have a small argument, but Gary will always help Jimmy with his cuts and bruised knuckles.

-They hate getting into arguments together, whether it be about Gary's medication, Jimmy getting into fights, or even something stupid. Sometimes they won't talk to each other for a week, or a few days. They're both too stubborn to apologize, so they act like nothing happened and try to forget the events.

That's all I got for now, and I know it's been forever since I've written in this damn book, but I'm trying my hardest to continue this! I've been working overnight jobs and I'm completely dead I'm the mornings lmaoo. I'll try and keep up my work, cause I love the game and my ships haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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