Chapter Two

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Readers note
I'm sorry I took a little long but I'm trying, this chapter is so you can see a little about Riley and her past.
I walk to the cafeteria looking for Jessica or Alex. Jessica is my best friend since I was ten. She was there for me through thick and thin. We did everything together but I was homeschooled while she went to this school.

It's my first day but she's been here since the start. I was always closed up so my aunt thought it was best for me to be homeschooled until this year.

She says she wants me to go to a good university and that being homeschooled won't help me get there, she also thinks I need to meet new people and interact with people my age.

" Riley!" I hear someone yell my name.

I look up to see Jessica running to me from across the cafeteria. Until she stops right in front of me with a huge grin on her face.

"So how was your first day so far? Bad? Good? Amazing? Horrific? Wait no who's your teacher? Please tell me you don't have Mrs.Tilkin. She's the absolute worse!" She rambles on.

" Jess calm down, I thought it was my first day." I chuckle

" Yeah, I'm just so excited you're here. We would always hang out outside of school but now you're actually here, I get to torture you even more!" She say while giving me an evil smile.

" Yeah yeah yeah." I say

"Come on I'll introduce you to some of my friends, Alex is there."She says, Alex is another one of my best friends. She will always be there when you need her. It would be the three of us. Forever, if anyone would mess with one of us, they messed with all of us.

We walk up to a table with four people. Three guys and Alex.

"Guys this is Riley and this is" she says but gets interrupted when the guy she was pointing at speaks.

"Jared." he says, he has light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"I'm Aiden" another guys says while smiling. He has Dark brown hair and eyes.

" Dominic." another guy says quietly. He has blonde hair and brown eyes.

" Well I'm Riley but you sorta already know that." I say looking at the floor, feeling a little nervous.

"Yeah these girls won't stop talking about you, it's like we already know you." Aiden says while pointing at Jessica and Alex.

" Shut up Aiden your just jealous we don't talk about you." Alex says while playfully smacking him in the arm.

I smile at them as my nervousness fades away.

" You punch like a baby." he says while rubbing his arm.

"You are a baby." She responds as she gets up and gives me a bear hug tackling me.

" I missed you, and i'm so glad you finally go to school here! Its hell by the way but you're now with us." she says

" You know what this means girls?" Jessica says, while all three of us exchange looks while smiling.

" I'm lost" Jared says while the other two nod their heads.

We have this tradition when one of us goes somewhere, or is gonna leave we have this sleepover where we just have fun.

In this case I'm going to this school, so it counts.

It's called the BFTDAAS

We all exchange looks while nodding.

"Best Friends Till Death And After Sleepover!" We all scream, while everyone in the cafeteria stares at us like we're crazy.

" Guys who's house?" I say

" I can't my mom is packing for a business trip and it's messy." Alex says, Jessica looks at the floor nervously.

" My brother is home and you know what that means." Jessica says

" It's okay I'm sure my aunt will let us." I say squeezing Jessica's hand to let her know I'm here for her. She smiles knowingly.

" Well don't hog the new girl, I wanna know her." Jared says

Let's just say I don't do well when people wanna know me.

" I um have to go, see where my classes are, bye guys." I say quickly while walking away.

I go to the halls looking around the school, it's really big. I have no idea where I am. I just keep walking. There's no one in the hallways, just me.

I turn a corner and go behind a building. It's really nice here it's empty no buildings, just grass and a couple flowers. I sit down and just think.

I'm doing good for my first day right?

I mean I made three new friends I think. I should stop being shy but it's just I can't. Ever since the incident, I just sorta shut people out. I became really shy. I smile a lot but it's always fake. People say I have a nice smile, even if it's fake.

My aunt is like my mom. Not that she's like my mom but just in general she's like a mother figure in my life. I don't call her that because I think it'll probably hurt her. Maybe she's just as hurt as me. It's been a couple years, but still it's like the wound is wide open.

I remember the first day I met her. I was nine. About to turn ten, in five days.


" Hey there sweetie." A women with dark brown hair and blue eyes says. Leaning down so she's eye level to me.

My eyes watery, I don't know where I am, or where my mommy is.

I'm completely lost.

" Where's my mommy." I ask the women, her smile falters as her eyes go watery.

" She went to the moon."She says

" B- but I saw her, she was with me and there was red liquid. I- I want her" I cry

" Please don't cry. She told me she loved you, b-but the moon wanted her." She says, her voice shaky.

" Who are you?" I ask while I look into her watery eyes.

" Monica. Your Aunt." She says while I give her a big hug.

**Flashback ends**

I didn't even realize I was crying till I felt the warm liquid slid down my cheeks and onto the grass.

" Are you okay?" A voice ask from behind me.

I look behind me to meet the same beautiful eyes from the classroom. His eyes looked concerned and a little worried.

"Yeah I'm fine" I get up dusting my jeans. walking away. Till his words stop me.

"You don't look fine." He says

" Well looks hide a lot of things" I whisper to myself, my back to him as more tears fall down.

" Trust me I'm fine." I say loud enough for him to hear.

" I just fell." I say as I walk away leaving him standing there

That lie so easy to tell, since I got used to it.

I just fell

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