Chapter 16

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 Harry swallowed nervously and ran his fingers through his messy locks.

"Harry, it'll be fine," Draco assured him as he brushed his own hair (for the fortieth time that day. What was it with Malfoys and obsessive hair care?). "T ⎯ Ambroise would think you're hot if you wore a clown costume. And I'm pretty sure everyone will think you're hot in that." He raised an eyebrow at Harry appreciatively.
Harry frowned at himself in the mirror. He was wearing simple, Slytherin green dress robes with black detailing and a tight black suit underneath. He was pretty sure he looked normal.

"The girls will be drooling, Harry, trust me," Draco snorted. "Do you need help with your hair?" he added.

"Who needs help with their hair?" Neville asked as he came out of Harry's bathroom. He looked very handsome in his dark caramel robes and black suit. "Oh, of course, Harry does," he smirked.

Harry glared at them playfully. "My hair's not that messy!"

"You have weeds on your head, Harry," Draco drawled. "Very hot weeds, to be sure," he added quickly when Harry scowled, "but weeds all the same."

"Yes, I need help with my hair," Harry huffed irritably.

"Ambroise likes it messy," Neville smiled. "Maybe you could tame them just a little, Draco, it is a ball." The two boys smirked at Harry's indignant pout.

"Shut up and fix my hair," Harry ordered.

Draco nodded, chuckling, and pulled out a straightener.

Ten minutes later, the three boys left the room. They found Luna waiting for them in a beautiful yellow dress and her signature radish earrings. She smiled at them dreamily. "You all look very handsome," she said, her eyes widening when she saw Harry.

"Thanks, Radish," Draco smirked as Neville blushed. "Where's Flame? And Sparky and Strike?"

"They're waiting for us downstairs," Luna responded. "Along with Viktor and Am."

Harry swallowed again. Tom was downstairs....

"Harry dear, as soon as Am sees you, he'll think you're very hot in that outfit," Luna promised.

Well, Harry trusted Luna's words more than some of the boys' (ahem, Draco) so he relaxed slightly, but the butterflies in his stomach didn't settle.

The four of them headed downstairs.

Harry scanned the common room desperately for Tom, feeling even more nervous. He spotted Marcus and Cedric in one corner, holding hands and blushing, while Viktor was in another corner alone, scowling at Marcus; Fred and George were chatting Blaise's ear off; Dean and Seamus were in a shadowed part of the common room, snogging like there was no tomorrow; Theo was chatting with Millicent, while Pansy and Tracey were playing a chess game; Regulus was waiting at the door with a nervous smile, wearing elegant silver dress robes and a Slytherin green suit.

Finally, Harry spotted Tom, who was beside Regulus. He was wearing Avada Kedavra green robes and a tight black suit. Harry found himself drooling.

Theo spotted them first and gasped when he saw Harry. Instantly, the entire common room turned, jaws dropping. Harry only had eyes for Tom... whose eyes were filled with a dark emotion... was that lust?

Huh. Apparently, Luna was right.

Harry raised an eyebrow, confidence restored, and said, "What?"

"Harry's back," he heard Draco mutter triumphantly to Neville, who choked.

"My lord," said Marcus dazedly, "you look... hot." Cedric frowned slightly but nodded.

Harry Potter's Pen PalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora