Chapter 12

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 "Dragons?" Draco sputtered as they headed down to Double Potions. "Are they mad?"

"You didn't see what dragons they're using?" Tom asked worriedly.

Harry shook his head, feeling irritated. "No. My informant told me they hadn't arrived yet." The Slytherins and the rest of his Knights already knew that his "informant" was Hagrid, so he didn't say his name aloud. "But given my luck, I will have the most dangerous of the four dragons."

Tom paled further, and Harry cast him a concerned look.

"Oy, Potter!" a familiar voice yelled.

"Hello, Weasley, Granger," Harry said with a snort. He frowned slightly when he saw the badges the Gryffindor fourth-years wore ⎯ except Seamus and Dean, who were behind Harry.

Support CEDRIC DIGGORY ⎯ the REAL Hogwarts champion!

"Ah, you've discovered the art of idiocy," Harry sneered, causing the Slytherins, Seamus, and Dean to laugh. "Did you not hear? I am the champion of the Junior Marauders, not Hogwarts. So yes, you are correct. And yet, you aren't, because there is only one champion for Hogwarts."

The Gryffindors scowled at him. "That's not all they do," Weasley sneered. He pressed the badge and the message changed to:

Potter Stinks

"How original," Harry said in mock interest. "How long did it take you to make those ⎯ five minutes?" His friends laughed again.

Weasley scowled. "Like you could do better!" he snarled.

"Is that a challenge?" Harry sneered.

"Yeah, it is," Weasley sniffed.

"You couldn't possibly make anything better than this, I made these," Granger said haughtily.

Harry scoffed. "Clearly, Granger. They're so original and clever ⎯ are you sure you didn't get the idea from a first year?" The Slytherins laughed again.

"How dare you!" Granger snarled. Weasley had whipped out his wand.

"You greasy fa ⎯ snake!" Weasley bellowed. "You'll pay for that! Furnunculus!"

"Densaugeo!" Draco barked from beside Harry.

Harry saw Tom's wand flick, but heard nothing from from his mouth. The next second, Theodore collapsed, covered in boils; Granger wailed and clutched her mouth; and Brown, Weasley, and Vane suddenly had overgrown hair, warts on their noses, and arched backs ⎯ they'd been turned into hags. Harry smirked when he realized that Draco's spell was causing Granger's teeth, already large, to grow longer and longer....

"And what is all this noise about?"

Severus and Regulus were striding down the hall towards them. Regulus looked mildly concerned, while Severus looked cold as always.

"Potter's friends attacked us!" Weasley growled in a much deeper tone.

"They attacked each other at the same time," Harry informed Severus with an eye-roll.

"Malfoy and Sullivan hit Hermione, Lavender, Romilda and I! Look!" Weasley gestured to Granger's mouth.

The girl whimpered as Severus frowned down at her teeth, which were now past her collar. He sneered and opened his mouth to speak, but Regulus beat he to it.

"Ten points from each House," he said softly. "And another ten from Gryffindor for bullying. Mr. Zabini, please escort Mr. Nott to the hospital wing. Miss Patil, please take Miss Granger, Miss Vane, Miss Brown, and Mr. Weasley to the hospital wing. I expect Miss Patil and Mr. Zabini back quickly. Mr. Sullivan, you should be in Defense."

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