5. Distant

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Beam's POV
It has been a month since I confessed to phi...after that day he never came..

He continued to teach me via phone calls and sending notes online...

It's not like he did not talk to me but I can clearly feel hesitancy in his words.

What has he been thinking while calling me I don't know!!!

Did he considered it as  cheating to his girlfriend?

How a relation of so many years can be destroyed  in just a moment..

Or he has been so much busy with his girlfriend that there is nothing left for me..

I don't want to overthink anything but..

In all these phone calls I have tried to convey that my love for him is sincere it is not just a fling..

But he never paid attention he never considered my any word..

I don't want to snatch anyone's boyfriend....I never wanted...

but my heart and mind just can't believe that phi left me for a girl whom he know for 2 years....

When phi said he loved her...it just felt so wrong...

Today I need him the most...

"phi you are coming right? I will be waiting for you at the usual spot."

I texted him...booked a car to go to the place. Every year me and phi used to go and   give gratitude to my parent's grave.. on this day..

But he never came...

" Phi where are you? it is becoming dark phi.... I am  starting to feel scared."

"phi it is raining phi...did you forget the day??...phi you are bad.... I hate you."

I convey my gratitude somehow alone and ran to the nearby cafe where we always go after this to eat ice cream as it cheers my mood...

"The usual ice cream nong?"
"yes phi!" I answered to shop owner....

Everything is usual...I just lost my P'Forth..

He never picked any of my calls today.

I thought P will come...I  let the car go.. damn!!!

Usually phi drops me home after this so..

I did not bring the umbrella also..

Nevermind I deserve all the worse things in this lifetime don't I?

I  started walking in the rain...

"Beammm!!! wait!!!"

I saw P'Forth running to me when I nearly reached my house..

" Beam I am sorry!! I had a meeting with her parents!! I was so nervous... I forgot about this day Nong..sorry!!"

"Yeah and you were saying you can handle all the things together!!look at me!!! you satisfied now?"

I just can't control my anger!!!

"Hey!! you forgot your umbrella that's not my fault....why are you trying to make me feel  guilty? people can forget anything...it happens Beam don't over react...I need to take care of her also!!"

"I never said I will go with you today!!!"

He screamed and left immediately..

Today he screamed....he used to spoil me so much.

Didn't he know on this day I feel the most lonely?

(why is Forth loosing temper that  easily ? Is not he behaving like heartless!!! Well everything happens for a reason.....will update the next part soon....bye for now😉)

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