~||Chapter 1||~

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It all started when Midoriya was diagnosed quirkless at the ripe age of 5, after that everything went downhill. Well, not all of it! He still has his mum and dad, even though his father can't visit him much because of his work, but when he does it's AMAZING!

Every time he does come they all go to an amusement park or the fair! So that part of his life was pretty great!

But the other part of it wasn't, his school life, ever since he was diagnosed quirkless he began to get bullied, even by his best friends- well ex-best friend now, but he's not going to give up! Kacchan will eventually become his friends again!

At first, it was just being called quirkless, (which was basically an insult, although he didn't believe that! His dad always said that his quirklessness wasn't a bad thing!), or a loser, a worthless brat (his teachers' nickname for him), and of course, 'Deku' which Kacchan had newly named him. Though he was sure it would pass by eventually and then he'll go back to calling me Izu again! And then everything will be okay again!!

But that didn't happen as everything only slowly got worse, people started hitting him... But it was only things like small scrapes here and there along with some bruises on a rare occasion, or some kids use their quirks together on him, after all, he is just human target practice...


But it's okay... I'm just happy things aren't too bad!

And here he probably (100%) jinxed it bc as he slowly got older the more creative the insults were getting (slut, waste of space, bitch...and Deku... his new name as the name didn't pass and became the only thing he was known as..). Even the beatings were becoming more frequent, some happening multiple times a day and all of them ending with me getting a lot of bruises, some fractures, and sprains.. but he was just lucky that he only broke his bones four times!

But the last year of middle school was the worst yet, since apparently since he hadn't killed himself yet, so the bullies had to try extra hard this year since it was their last chance ('not that he would ever become anything useful' the voice in the back of his head whispered to him..)

The bell soon rang signaling a free period where everyone went down to the main hall, hung out with friends, and just generally had a good time. 

Not that he could do that as he didn't have any friends and he was so creepy with his muttering no one would want to hang out with him anyway (If they looked past his quirklessness that is..)

Most of the time I kid in the bathroom for this period so I could try and avoid getting beat or just made fun of and picked on in general but sometimes the teacher catches me trying to sneak away to the bathroom and calls me out.

This was one of those times.. so I tensed up my body as soon as we all stepped into the main hall, already getting ready for the beating that he knew he was going to get.

But he always has a game plan when this happens,

1. Go to his table, no one sat at it because he did and they were afraid to catch his 'disease'. The reason he picked this specific table was that it was the worst spot to sit at as it was right between the hallway to the 6th grader's rooms, the office, and the bathrooms so even before I 'claimed' it rarely anyone sat here.

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